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My Sweet Jamaican Empresss

Sometimes the CREATOR shows you what can happen through you dreams if you use don't

live right,but quite often you test him by lying blaming & not wanted to be held accountable for trouble you caused in this life or your past life...it is for you to do right in all tings including you marital relationship are you being a good OZBAND or a stubborn fool who will lose out it's up to you? I-Man av a lot of respect & love for you Wife mi try long time to find a woman who can match her natural beauty & ways she honest & all ways takes responsibility for her actions she only ever reacts when someone tries to disrespect her & mi can live with her ways as

I-Man know she have moral character & is most sought after in a woman despite what you may tink my Empress is not a FUCK for any man dat's why I-Man check for her more than even my Empress know🙏🏾😊

Empress all ways know you one in a million &

I-Man GOT YOU...mi feel guilty,but won't lie❤️

by Janet21 May 16, 2023


My Sweet Jamaican Empresss mi love you like cook food😋❤️long to feel you sexiness a press gainst mine.Wish you did a si dung pon mi lap right now so(John & Mary)can feel each other you sitten sweet baby mi wake up with COCK🥒stand all a dream bout you juice a run down mi hard🥒when mi ago see you out here?Miss you bad Jah know tears run down mi face & all mi see a you.Love you world without end mi know you married & all dat,but I-Man Got You still all ways.Lots of men over 66 are experiencing Dementia symptoms include forgetfulness mood swings anger not being able to follow a recent conversation & experiencing premature ejaculation (dead hood)dem smoke & drink hard,but can't keep a hard🥒nowadays🤣we are younger still love you all ways ❤️❤️

A man must be a good OZBAND cherish love & honor his wife,never let you Wife leff you b/c

you so fucked up at times be considerate...

by Janet21 June 6, 2023


My Sweet Jamaican Empresss

Never worry bout anyting mi love you & tink

the world of you❤️Mi tink back how in a 2020

mi almost lost you to dat Babylonian disease mi fret day & night over you.Everyday the CREATOR remind mi how precious & valuable life is all mi could do was pray you put up the best FIGHT a you life as you never were a quitter & mi realize so much more hoping somewhere down the line you OZBAND see what an amazing woman you is instead of badmouthing you to other people to make himself look good.You all ways LOYAL 💯I-Man certainly do know dem qualities in you mi will never stop love cherish respect or care for you.You the kyna woman who all ways enjoy spending time with you family & friends dem important to you.You have parties b/c you want to enjoy life you show people love not to get attention like some people.In the game of life
it is funny how deceptive the very people others look up to & are meant to be learning from all ways has dem fooled & nearly losing you Wife should open up a man eye to learn to behave himself. Him a OLD MAN him should stay in a him own AGE BRACKET or at least with people over the age of 50,so embarrassing does he know what people say bout him they already tink you a his daughter🤫much less people younger mi want you consider coming back to live mi really miss you company & you delicious food especially you peanut green banana & plantain porridge & you baking😋 woman

I-Man love you member dat all ways 💕

All ways value the woman you have especially if she's you Wife tomorrow is promised to no one & in all you deeds be true..mi love her♥️♥️

by Janet21 May 16, 2023


My Sweet Jamaican Empress

NOT LONG NOW baby ♥️❤️

Love you to world without end & mi can't to wrap mi arms round you🤗baby you sweeeeeeeet🌹

Errol For all the idiot men out there who nuh see wat dem av Busy Signal (You Never Knew)...

by Janet21 August 22, 2023


My Sweet Jamaican Empress
Mi love you Loyalty you not gonna change dat for no one & if someone is being Disloyal dat is dem problem not you,it's the GUILT dat get

dem in the end it manifests itself all kyna ways through nightsweats nightmare & tings constantly chasing dem in dem sleep marriage
is one man one woman unless you av a open marriage it all ways Man who jealous(We shall all be paid according to our Works)member dat

I GOT YOU mi Empress ❤️💯if a man don't

want him WIFE him leff her not play with other women feelings for joke.Mi had a friend who

use to fuck about cos gyal make it easy,but him say him not leaving him WIFE as him LOVE her. Plenty time people don't want to be where dem is,but stay b/c it's the right ting to do clearly a man's place is with his wife not you best get use to it as you the one playing the cheating game him just want you punani & drive in you car 🤣mi love this Empress world without end 💕she can manage if anything happens Mr cheater will have to tell his family when it blow up in him FACE so stop mind other people business let KISMET take it's course😬

A loyal woman is a very beautiful one she knows the value of such a ting & loves herself for it no matter wat a gwaan you keep you head up with dignity mi Empress😉

by Janet21 May 8, 2023


A married Man who thinks it's ok to message talk or meet other women behind his WIFE back is a DAWG who don't know himself.He should LEARN his WIFE grow up & remember the VOWS him take in the eyes of the CREATOR don't play around...look pon you beautiful WIFE 🤷you disgraceful really go find you self...🤔

Any woman low enough to mess with another woman's OZBAND friend or not is of a low self worth...😏

by Janet21 May 8, 2023


My Sweet Jamaican Empresss
The love mi have for you💕 makes mi happy &

only Jah know what I-Man saying right now

the warm feelings inside mi❤️when mi picture you face means mi will never love another woman the way mi love you in this lifetime or the next & would bend over backwards to see you happy also everything to help you since you not well without you needing to ever ask mi.You see a man who truly love respect & care for him Wife wouldn't constantly need to be told these tings as he would already know mi hope you OZBAND don't need to be told all the time.Mi mother & farda Married almost 70YRS😊it was never all ways good dem had likkle dispute,but despite all dat mi hear him say he would never want to be married to anyone else you see him love her no matter what him or she did wrong dem accept people aren't perfect.Marriage isn't all ways easy,but become more complex when other people stick dem nose in a OZBAND & WIFE business even if someone was a friend

it's a disrespect to talk your personal stuff or compare you partner to another person a man must play with the cards he was dealt not try to change it as choice was already made especially when he is getting OLDER.Some advice from mi parents take de rough with the smooth nuh get involve with other woman & man while you MARRIED as marriage is SACRED🙏🏾

Errol this woman is the world to me
My Sweet Empress mi just want to see you happy living you best life & if not don't worry Jah good you a I-Man IDEAL woman & I will never let you go❤️

by Janet21 May 4, 2023