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Ryan fu

plural for alcoholic,

Oh look, its a ryan fu

by JJPDSOAJ June 22, 2018



A hot and/or sexy person (usually a woman).

Alternatively, you can add "Fu" to the end of a description (see below).

1. Dude, that chick is FU-JANGUS!

Alternative examples from above:

2. Check out the "Glasses-Fu" in aisle two. (Describes a cute/pretty girl wearing glasses.)

3. Dude, I love that "Alterna-Fu" chick in our philosophy class. (Describes a hot emo-type chick.)

by Fu-Master Lu July 10, 2009


A fighting style invented by the oldest Mexican in Alberta. It involves flailing one arm around to block attacks, while delivering brutal shin-kicks.

Guy 1: Let's fight!

Guy 2: Bitchitake-Fu!

Guy 1: Ouch! My shins!

by Sir Farr August 29, 2010

Gabe Fu

a bad ass type of ninja/karate mixed with a little free styled whoop ass. usually occuring in a pool.

That dude just whooped my ass with some Gabe Fu shit!

by djacksgeorgia2008 February 7, 2010

Han Fu

Han Fu - noun: Typically an asian adolescent who suffers from childhood obesity and still traumatised by the fact till today, an average Han Fu normally excels impressively in math, but somehow fails tremendously at everything else - predominantly in arts, language & athletics. However despite all the manifested negative quality of this person, his intelligence & appearances can automatically make you feel incredibly pleased with yourself, therefore he is naturally an ideal selection for a best friend, one could almost say he is a rare specimen, once you miss it, you could never wish the opportunity to return. In conclusion, love him like your father, and he will treat you like your mother.

Person A "Did you finish your math assignments?"
Person B "No, have you? We are ought to fail at life!"
Person A "Most definitely, of course, you have witnessed the fury of Mr Banana."
Person B "Tell me with your uppermost honesty, did you actually complete those work by yourself?"
Person A "Pssh, of course not, Han Fu did it for me!"

by Erection June 27, 2015

drunken fu

1: The ability to fight while drunk.

2: When you ithink/i have the above skill. Normally involves the wild flailing of limbs and you getting your ass kicked. Much more common than #1.

Hey, what happened to Marty last night?
He started a fight and got drunken-fu'd.

Hey, what happened to jason last night?
He started a fight, thinking he knew drunken fu. Alas, he did not, and he's in county right now.

by malendras September 6, 2007

Shiny Fu

(n. slang) Chinese Food, as pronounced with an Asian accent.

Welcome to Hong Wang's Shiny Eatery! Shiny fu goo fo yoo!

by MattYouKnowWho August 23, 2009

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