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Clear Lake Athletics and administration.

Someone told the Clear Lake Admin oranges only grow in Antarctica so they planted an orange tree in Iowa; how gullible can you be?

by clrlake_74 September 26, 2020


Falling for anything someone says

Jonathan Hacker falls for anything because he's gullible. He one sucked a dick because someone told him it was oxygen

by Valheim March 19, 2023


Owen is gullible and an idiot, he will be fooled easily and will follow the leader like a sheep

Owen look up at the ceiling it says gullible *owen looks up*

by Owen is gullible August 6, 2019


A word that has recently fallen out of usage and has been taken out of the dictionary

‘Did you hear about the new edition of the dictionary
‘They took outgullible’’

by Spoop784 June 12, 2024



SilverPhoenix127 is very very gullible

by Hy3pr April 11, 2023


The word on the ceiling above you.

Who wrote gullible on the ceiling?

by YourLocalNeighbourhoodLoser February 10, 2019


Honestly thinking that your mom talked to someone at one point

Joe is gullible because he believes everything.

by Sydneyisadorable August 11, 2015