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1. In terms of math and real life, the average.
2. A carbon copy of everybody else therefore replaceable.
3. A "safe" state to be in, no risks involved since it is part of the majority, therefore boring.
4. A nonexistent state since everybody has little quirks and the term normal is relative.

5. The state my mom wants me to be.

You're weird, I'm normal-persona A
Person B just stares at person A wondering whether or not they should argue that there is no such thing as normal to a person with a normal...oops I mean low IQ.

by flipmaya April 11, 2011

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there's no such thing as normal. everything, everyone changes each day so what do we have to call thats normal.

i have no words of how to be normal.

by jess-c November 27, 2009

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A synonym of boring and an opposite of arts kid. Normal people typically lead very non-interesting lives and make up many statistics

See that man with an office job and 2.5 kids? He's so normal it hurts.

by littledrummergirl January 22, 2013

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Normal is usually used by the general society to generalise the things they do everyday. Watching TV, for example, is considered normal. Except, that is isn't the case. Who is exactly, normal? Normal was made by people who think that everyone else that act much differently to them are not-normal. You see, Normal is Relative. To explain, Bronies are typically perceived by society as fat losers who share an unhealthy obsession to a cartoon made for little girls. They, however, see themselves as completely normal human beings who share a love for a television program.

A lot of things generally perceived as Normal by society's standards are horribly dangerous. Like sitting. Sitting is an extremely dangerous thing to do that will destroy your long-term life span and yet billions of us do it every single fucking day. Snorting cocaine is considered normal among models but not among "Normal" people. Drinking coffee is considered "Normal" among Americans but not among Turks. Running 25 kilometers every morning is considered "Normal" among athelets but not among lazy people.

The point is...

Normal is Relative

by MehShotgun February 23, 2015

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1.the most overrated state and word in any language..so overrated that any ANY one in ANY language with ANY education knows the word in English and uses it..
2.the least original word since it changes meaning decade to decade,country by country

22 yo Girl: Mom I think boys are great I've liked them always,but love is love, I reaally like this girl..she's a friend and colleague..u met her in my BD..the tall one that you said was lovely,remember?..just the kind of person I'd be happy to be in love with...guess I'm falling for her should I tell her and ask her out you think,mom?

*Mom(1995,USA)::-Crying :-screaming Oh my goddddddd..I wish I was DEAD I want to KILL myself WHAT HAVE I DONE shame on you shame on me get out of my life I don want to see you ever again i just wanted you to be NORMALL why can't you ever be NORMAL like everyone else..Girl:,,รฉ_รจ,,, =((

*Mom(2013,USA) : :-shocked oh my god..okay..are you sure this is what you want? I knew this day would come but..afterall I think it's NORMAL..I guess..I hope..okay...oh god..okay...

*Mom(2013,Iran): :-Crying :-screaming Oh my goddddddd..I wish I was DEAD I want to KILL myself WHAT HAVE I DONE shame on you shame on me get out of my life I don want to see you ever again i just wanted you to be NORMALL why can't you ever be NORMAL like everyone else..,,รฉ_รจ,,, =((

*Mom(2030,USA) (2018,Netherlands) (2113,Iran): oh my godddd she's great the one that studies dentistry and said wants to be an OMFS? Offcourse,totally Normal and natural tell her why not?? I'm so happy for you, you've grown up so fast ,,^_^,,

by no me June 26, 2013

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Normal Trash

The garbage you put on top of all that fucked up stuff you threw away.

Uhhhh I better put some Normal Trash on top of my jerk off socks and sketchy homemade bongs.

by junksniffer45 February 3, 2011

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Next to Normal

One of the greatest and most inspiring musicals ever made. About a suburban family going through loss, depression, and substance abuse. Won the Pulitizer Prize in 09' features some of the best actors of this century and the next. Music and book by Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey.

Writing paper *I'm Alive from Next To Normal comes on Pandora*


by Closeenoughtonormal February 18, 2013