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Prairie Muffin

A women who homesteads in a rural area and devotes her lives to homemaking under her husband.

1) Stacey is a Prairie Muffin.

by George Eldon Smith January 13, 2007

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prairie fever

Much like "jungle fever" except instead of craving an African-American man or woman, you want some of that Pocahontas action. Only a true Redskin will satisfy you

I just cant shake this prairie fever, the chief's daughter is so hot!

by Coophatch5 February 28, 2014

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prairy dog

when you gotta shit so bad that it feels like a turd is stickin out

the next rest stop wasn't for 2o miles, so i had to prairy dog it.

by cream of some yung.. January 27, 2003

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prairie dog

when your feces is ready to rip your o-ring but your holding it until you can find a bathroon

dude i gotta shit im prairie doggin it

by ladyzman920 January 4, 2006

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prairie oysters

Prairie Oysters are calf or bull testicles.

Proceed with caution when considering ordering the "prairie oysters".

by Joan Henderson June 25, 2006

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Prairie Dog

This is the act of human fecal matter ( stool, turd, brown trout) slightly protruding out of the anus and then immediate retracting. This happens in humans but animals as well. It is the result of the person or animal needing desperately to defecate but for some reason cannot find facilities or the right place to evacuate the waste. It may happen many times before final evacuation. The term achieved it's name from prairie dogs being observed going in and out of their habitat.

note: As a result, in humans, this act can also cause another situation call "skid marks" which is the evidence of the PD stain left on the persons underware, other clothing or anything next to the anus where the Prairie Dog emerges.

"Hey mom, we have to stop at the next gas, Billy's got prairie dogs".

"My girl must have had prairie dogs tonight cause when we had sex I saw skid marks on her undies."

by SeaPilot June 28, 2009

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prairie nigger

native american who thinks he's a nigger. also known as red nigger. the same as a wigger but native of course. this is just another racial slurr invented by the pale face.

hey Jed get out your sisters anus and come help me beat up this little prairie nigger cuz I ma puss and can't do it alone!

by KS engine August 8, 2010

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