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Religious Texts

Texts by which many religions are based upon. Basically, books that rule the much of the world.

I really hate the fact that our illiterate civilization would make a bunch of papers (with words on them obviously) their god. And dont get me wrong, I like reading and books. I just dislike those damn religious texts.

by ~Ry_an~ July 7, 2006

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Religious fundamentalist

One who;
1) Affirms the existence of the athiests' concept of God
2) Has forgotten the fundamentals of religion

by Laika May 23, 2003

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religious zealot

Anyone who takes a religious belief to the extreme and attempts to push their beliefs on others. The religion could be that of a strong atheist, or strong theist such as Christian but includes all deities. Both religions are beliefs. Atheism is considered probable by supporting evidence, but takes a leap of faith by considering it as fact. Theism is not supported by evidence, although a theist accepts all scientific evidence, but adds spiritual experience by taking a leap of faith that there is some sort of deity. Most people that don't push beliefs are agnostic, weak atheist, or weak theist.

You are just as much as a religious zealot as they are.

by AstroTarots August 19, 2010

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religious truth

This is an oxymoron.

You bitch.

by lalalala July 9, 2003

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religious leader

A corporate monkey who prefers to lick the arse of an imaginary being over that of a real boss, while also producing extra shit downwards.

That religious leader is so full of shit, he never does what he preaches.

by Raytay May 26, 2012

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religious tolerance

When the world's religions have an equal appreciate and understanding for each other

Religious tolerance is seen when there is peace and understanding in the Middle East.

by Shenzi November 3, 2013

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Religious reefer

When you smoke weed in a church or on a graveyard.

It is also known as Holy Smokes

I was so high yesterday, when we smokede that religious reefer.

by SΓΈren smokeZZZ November 14, 2018