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Old white crusty people who are afraid of change.

John McCain and George W. Bush are prime examples of republicans.

by scalvis September 8, 2008

896๐Ÿ‘ 301๐Ÿ‘Ž


There are many definitons for a republican:

1-A lousy, no good hick who thinks that killing other people in other countries for no justifible reason.

2-Likes stealing money from the poor, to make the rich richer.

3- Thinks that god should be involved in everything, even though seperation of church and state is a law in the united states

4-Believes that NO woman should have a right over her body, because god forbid your one day pregnant, and you just cant do it becAUse GOD IS GOING TO SEND YOU TO HELL!! AHHH!!

5- likes to put own country in more danger by putting us into war

6- discriminitve against gays

ie- pigheaded bush
ie- condoleeza rice
ie- vice president

by lanie024 August 8, 2005

951๐Ÿ‘ 330๐Ÿ‘Ž


An itching painful mass of enlarged veins found in red swollen anal tissue.

Also called Hemorrhoids.

Maybe if you wiped the shit off of your ass those fucking Republicans would go away.

by Davied January 25, 2007

857๐Ÿ‘ 302๐Ÿ‘Ž


White, Bible thumping, KKK, rich, uneducated, religious, old individual who has no idea about the real world or never experienced it. These individuals tend to be the older crowd and are very conservative. They don't agree with change and/or mixed marriages.

The south tends to be more republican then the north.
The south also tends to have a lower average IQ then the north.

by Hussain Zaidi January 10, 2006

1013๐Ÿ‘ 363๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be shamefully hypocritical without giving a f*ck; typically because the hypocrite, nor the people who fund them, give one sh*t about anything other than power, money, and taking their daddy issues out on hundreds of millions of people.

Oh, you opposed nominating a Supreme Court Justice nine months before an election and then turned around and nominated your own justice ONE month before an election? That is so Republican of you.

I criticized Democrats for crying over Hillary's election for four years, but now I'm going to cry for four years about voter fraud during Biden's election. Why? Because I am Republican.

by Witch McConnell November 10, 2020

29๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


The party in which the wealth exceeds the IQ 1000 to 1.

George W. Bush, Bush Sr, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Herbert Hoover... See what I mean??

by bigtones December 18, 2004

1138๐Ÿ‘ 423๐Ÿ‘Ž


A completetly retarded political party that tries to force their religion on everyone even though there's separation of church and state, who says that they want less government then violates personal privacy rights like abortion, and then they pass the patriot ACT. They believe that a rape victim should be denied her right to an abortion and be forced to take care of a baby that's not even hers. They are against killing unborn babies yet once the babies are born they don't give a shit and they do nothing to help the baby, the mother or the rest of the family since they cut funding to government programs that help the poor and middle class. In addition, they refuse to provide funding for stemcell research even though it could help us find a cure for cancer.They also give tax cuts to the wealthy as well as big businesses and put the tax burden on the middle class so that power and wealth is in the hands of the small minority of the population while the majority of the population starves. They try to privatize and totally fuck up healthcare and social security so that the poor can't afford medical care. Last but not least, they think that capitol punishment should be senteced to extremely minor crimes and they start wars for no reason and get tons of Americans killed pointlessly. It is a proven fact that Republicans are generally favored and elected by the less educated population. (Go figure).

George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney,Republican.

by ninjastrike125 June 19, 2010

1045๐Ÿ‘ 390๐Ÿ‘Ž