The spike move (down-a in the air) for Captain Falcon in Super Smash Bros. 64. When an opponent is off the stage in mid-air, jump up and press down-a upon contact and the opponent will rocket downward for an INSTANT KILL!
It's called a clown stomp because cap'n falcon looks like a crazy clown with all his different colored suits.
you want a... CLOWN STOMP??!!!
To stomp mosh as hard as you can possibly mosh
usually done by stomping the feet as hard as possible and swinging your arms outward almost like a hardcore 2-step and move back and forth through the pit
also a song by The Mongoloids
Jim: did you see that guy?
Steve:Yeah he mongo stomped his way through those ass clowns
The act of stomping on someones skull to crush it under your weight.
When you shit in the shower and have to squash it down the drain with your toes
Wife: Damn it Joe, it stinks like shit in here.
Husband: No worries, just stomping the grape before you walked in
To stomp someone with excessive weight, crushing the helpless victim.
Catherine got angry when she found out this was made and whale stomped the poor guy.
Assaulting another individual by forcing the victims head downwards, and repeated kicks to the back/hips.
Dude, if you don't stop talking, im gonna wookie stomp you.
The Wheatland Stomp is a solo sexual act performed by only the most experienced of anal accepters. The act involves defecation on the floor by the actor, then stepping into the faeces. Then, the actor places his foot inside of his rectum and continually "stomps" inside of himself, stimulating the prostate and putting the shit back where it came from.
Phil: "Oh, man, I had a go at the Wheatland Stomp last night. My ass really hurts!"
Callum: "Phil, you do that every night."