Source Code

please stop

Polite way of asking someone to cease to continue what they're doing.

Please stop, I want to be left alone.

by PineappleJuice March 25, 2015

80๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

beef stop

Walking around in crowded areas and you realize that you have to stop for not to shit in your pants. You stop, tighten your ass balls and pretend you find something interesting, because it's not possible to walk normally and tight your ass balls at the same time.

In a supermarket with friends: 'Hey, why does Peter stop to look at those ridiculous clothes?"
Friend answer: "Probably a beef stop to keep it in there"

by nice bever August 12, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

stop blabbering

stop blabbering

(verb): to shut up and stop engaging in meaningless philosophical discussions.

boy: Dad, i don't understand the point of homework, so therefore, I'll say it in Latin, damno quod non intelligo

Father: I am in a bad mood today, now stop blabbering; grade school isn't about discerning the latent meaning of homework. grade school is about learning what you need in order to get into high school.

by Sexydimma August 20, 2013

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Folgers Stop

Folgers Stop
A kind of pit-stop one makes within minutes of drinking of cup of Folgers Coffee. A Folgers Stop usually entails running to the nearest bathroom or tree, to have explosive, burning diarrhea.

Elisea - "Hey, why is Jessica holding onto her butt and running toward that tree?"

Tamara - "Oh, she just drank a cup of Folgers Coffee. She probably had to make a Folgers Stop"

by Jessica, Tamara & Elisea December 16, 2008

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pouty stop

When a female stops in the middle of the road and pouts because of something mean a male has said.

Male- Your forehead looks huge.
Female- *Pouty stops*

by pacoman757 December 10, 2010

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stop snitching

A campaign that pushes the idea that any african-american who reports any crime whatsoever to the police is a traitor. Quite popular in the gangster rap scene. This has been very effective in reinforcing the racist stereotype that all black people are criminals.

Maybe instead of "Stop snitching", the motto should be "Stop committing crimes".

by GAWII March 2, 2008

117๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stop Loss

A term used in trading to define at which point you decide to give up on your hopes and dreams.

Typically only used by the weak.

Adam: "If I want to make infinite money on NUGT and UWTI, I better not use a stop loss"

Bradley: "I have no dreams or future, so I think I'll set a stop loss at 5 pips"

by NOSCharhar September 9, 2016

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