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Theater Fag

Some douchebag (probably in high school or college) who is obsessed with theater productions and the like.

See also: Drama fag

Theater fag: Dude! I'm the understudy for the lead role!

Observer: ...What a fucking theater fag.

by Dreamcast33 October 5, 2007

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Movie Theatering

noun. going to first, second, third or fourth base wit someone in a movie theater without other people noticing

"I showed that girl/guy movie theatering the other day"

by yvette smith January 23, 2012

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theater jock

These are the cool kids at school. They are amazing and talented and awesome and everyone wants to be them. They do all of the musicals and often get big parts. They love the show Glee and tend to break into song a lot. They know all the words to every musical ever and will beat you in a fight and/or a diva off. Basically they are talented af and everyone wants to be them.

Woah, that girl Haley sure is cool! She's such a theater jock, I bet she knows the words to every Hairspray song.

You know, it would be annoying when Tess breaks into song if she weren't such a talented theater jock.

Man, I bet that Theatre Jock Ella knows all the lyrics to the Heathers musical.

Wow, I can't believe Tessa has been stage manager for so long... incredible! She is pure theater jock!!

That Siena, she's really good at being prop master, she's such a theater jock!!!

You know, those technology jocks think their so cool, but the really cool ones are those theater jocks.

by Totally_Not_Us May 1, 2017

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theater kids

the psycho-anime-furry ones

Some of the theater kids got in trouble with the school administration for watching hentai backstage during the performance of Annie.

by hehe143 May 1, 2020

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fecal theater

PG version of a shitshow

When describing the kegger the night before while in church, one might say it turned into a "fecal theater" when the cops showed up

by asdifjalrjwqore May 20, 2017

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theater girl

Overly the top crazy, most likely will fake cry because they're drama QUEENS. They dedicate life to theater. the theater girls are beautiful especially the ones named lillian and nadia. they are strong well built people. always prepared for an audition. will always love u.

wow that theater girl is frickin' crying over a candy bar

by May 29, 2021

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mishler theater

an old haunted theater in the heart of central (altoona) pennsylvania where ghosts wonder on stage with the rest of the actors. this theater was featured on an episode of TAPS on the sci-fi channel. its a place that dosent believe in air conditioning and is as cold as hell when you go to christmas plays

mishler theater

by mortmar May 19, 2009

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