A derogatory term, used to refer to whites as "normies", typically by other races mainly African-Americans.
This deals with a hatred of stereotypically white things, like Pumpkin Spice Lattes.
Person 1 (white): Hey you wanna go out for Pumpkin Spice Lattes?
Person 2 (Other Race): You wanna go clap when the plane lands too, don't you Mr Whitey Tighty?
like Tighty-whities but black.
"Damn son i put on my tighty-blackies today"
A nerd wearing tighty-whities, i.e. white briefs. Has been culturally seen as the nerd type of underwear for decades, often made fun of and leading the wearer to become a victim of wedgies and pantsings.
At schools and other places, as well as culturally, as boxers and then boxer-briefs became popular, tighty-whities came to be seen as nerdy – partly because of their feminine shape, which is why briefs are sometimes also called manties or male panties.
In popular culture, this can for example also be seen in movies, TV shows etc., where most of the times whenever there is a nerdy character he wears tighty-whities, or when someone is being pantsed in a funny scene or becomes wedgied they usually wear tighty-whities.
In this day and age, because of this social stigma, you cannot really be seen wearing tighty-whities without being seen as nerdy by a lot of people, since it has become such a big part of popular culture and is portrayed in this way in movies, on television, talkshows etc. Avoid wearing if you do not wish to be wedgied, pantsed or made fun of for your underwear, since this is what tighty-whities has come to represent in popular culture.
Look at that tighty-whitey nerd!
Maybe he will one day change the world...
Something very tight...aka "cool". Usually said only by M-Town stoners when they're drunk.
"Dayumm Son, those buds are dank, it would be tightis if we get hooked up fat."