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warheads tongue

The tongue of somebody who has eaten a large quantity of warheads sour candy. The tongue is usually cut and/or swollen. Eating hot foods with warheads tongue delivers an excruciating pain.

I got warheads tongue after an all night binge.

by warnurrrrr April 30, 2007

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Drummer Tongue

The uncontrollable placement of the tongue half way out either corner of the mouth, usually signifying complete and total concentration of a particular task. Drummer Tongue is most often witnessed when a drummer air or professional is knee deep in a fat solo just straight working the drums. The phenomena of drummer tongue is not isolated to drummers, in fact Drummer Tongue has been witnessed on many prominent world figures and other career professionals including but not limited to the following:

President Bush (thinking of what to say mid speech)
David Hasselhoff (driving Kit from Night Rider)
Snoop Dogg (rolling a tight spliff)
Brain Surgeons (anything with your head open)
Professional Bowlers (preparing for a strike)
Professional Boxers (unloading a furious combination)
UFC Cage Fighters (performing a submission)
Drunken College students (trying to hold a conversation)
Porn Stars (working dat @$$)
Airline Pilots (mixing their drinks)
Bomb Squad team member (defusing a bomb)

Dude 1: OMG!! Look at that dork playing the air drums on his steering wheel! He thinks he’s Tommy Lee!

Dude 2: Woaaahh!!! He’s rocking the f#ck out!! Oh no way! He’s even got Drummer Tongue!!

by DunkMonkey August 8, 2008

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Divers tongue

Going down on a girl (or a guy) for a long period of time until you begin speaking in a lisp from the tongue's numbness.

"Dude, how was last night?"
"Ish wash greaht mahn."
"Bro! You have Divers Tongue!"

by AnonononIII March 2, 2014

vape tongue

When you smoke too much of one juice so then it starts to lose its flavor

"hey man, do you want this juice? i got vape tongue from it.

by becky w the good hair December 5, 2016

tongue tied

tongue tied is when someone you like is talking and you're so flustered that you don't dare utter a word.

crush: talking
you: tongue tied

by by milflover69 June 9, 2021

Lizards tongue

Jissum that flies out of a penis for a considerable length......like a lizards tongue.

Matt: where's Pete gone?
Lukey: he's gone in cubicle 2 to fire his lizards tongue in Dirty Di's hair.
Matt: Marvellous.

by shockin burt May 5, 2018

Tongue fetish

A tongue fetish is a fascination with tongues. You like the length, width, and anything else involved with it.

I have a tongue fetish

by EbonyyAngell June 18, 2017

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