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Lick My Balls

Also known as LMB, It is a phrase used in times of disagreement, anger, annoyance, or just a pure sparkle in a sentence.

Monica: Hello

Roula: Lick my balls.


Them: They dont want you to suceed

Me: Lick My balls

by Rouka April 6, 2016

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Lick Her License

A lesbian

by Balla August 24, 2003

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lick one's wounds

to attempt to heal one's injuries or make oneself feel better

ff you just lick your wounds when that asshole is still out there than you wont have chance to warn the anyone to avoid him. (example of lick one's wounds)

by The Return of Light Joker January 6, 2012

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lia-licked Dorito

A low measure of care, an insignificant amount of attention that one could give to a person or situation.

Shut up, bitch! I don't give a Lia-licked Dorito about what you have to say!

by stop-its-ginger-time December 15, 2010

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Lay Down Lick

Oral Sex

I was getting my lay down lick on with this girl...

by Billingslea July 30, 2008

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anus licking loser

1. Cordial greeting to a whack prick.
2. Often used to describe an obnoxious fool who has no goals or practical dreams and earns his pathetic existance by waxing every detail of his boring past.

John smokes pot all day and makes fun of well-balanced people because they care about things that matter. John is an anus licking loser.

by deplemisher April 25, 2003

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

spit your lick

A request for a person to say the saying or "throw up the sign" of their "set" or crew

guy1 to guy2 "spit your lick" if guy 2 complies he then would say his "sets" saying or "throw up" their sign

by E-Rock19 January 30, 2008

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