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frying pan bastard

when someone is said to be fat who is a bastard

rich is a frying pan bastard

by APR May 8, 2003

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Cock Monkey Bastard

1. term used to express to someone you think they play with themselves more than a cock monkey. (phallocentric)
2.n.person who constantly pisses you off and spends all their spare time wacking it like its going out of style.
You can also use CMB for short.

1. You're a cock monkey bastard!
2. That guy's such a fucken cock monkey bastard. I should beat his ass.

by ClaytonMoore March 12, 2003

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Cheap Irish Bastard

A specific type of technology sales guy found exclusively in New York City and Philadelphia infamous for the following qualities:

1. Cheap as in always forgets his wallet at home or disappears right before the bar tab shows up

2. Has a made-up sounding Irish name

3 Bastard as in cock blocks his buddies or swipes their drinks

The best medicine for Cheap Irish Bastards is ordering a ridiculous amount of room service breakfast to their hotel room or putting salami in their shoes

Oh my God, here comes that Cheap Irish Bastard Conway again... hold onto your drinks

by Joeamato69 July 18, 2018

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Half faced bastard

A term used to discribe an individual whom is deseptive or two faced .
It can also be used with a discriptive word in jest for someone who caught you off guard or surprised you .

Example 1. So you took my money and blame it on Keith you half faced bastard !
Example 2. Did you just Sup my pint you cheeky half faced bastard ?

by Big Daddy mac November 22, 2016

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Sheep shagging bastard

Welsh/Scottish slang - Swansea or Cardiff city Football club fans

Enjoy having sexual relations with sheep. Ccfc or scfc fans are often found with velcro gloves for catching the sheep

Look at James, he loves shagging his dads sheep. People call him the sheep shagging bastard

by Yeet us that baby sheep December 5, 2019

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bloody bollocks bastard

Someone whos a Bloody Bollocks Bastard. Simple really.

Hey Bill Gates your a Bloody Bollocks Bastard for lieing about Windows XP

by Owner of your souls March 15, 2004

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canadian fat bastard

Someone who leaves America for Canada after the elections.

1: Look at that Canadian fat bastard, Aiden. Abandoning America.

by Americans November 14, 2016

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