A social group of those about the enter college or attending college. This social group is comprised of those that opted to attend college verses those who opted out of the college experience. There is a trend with those who are not attending College to not want to hang out with this crowd. This is mostly due to the peer pressure of not being part of the College experience and having to explain away why you are not in school. Although both the College and none college social groups will jointly hangout together, there is a trend in College towns where there is distinct venue where the college crowd converge.
The Park was full of the College crown making it a challenge to have my young kids to play on the grass. Carizma shows that this Bar is mostly a College Crowd.
Let's find a place to chill with the College crowd. I heard the Carizma App has a filter for that.
The Park was full of the College crown making it a challenge to have my young kids to play ont he grass. Carizma shows that this Bar is mostly a College Crowd.
Let's find a place to chill with the College crowd.
1) A meal of sub-par taste and nutritional value that is affordable on a restricted budget, i.e. a college student's budget.
2) Low cost food that is prepared in a microwave or eaten in sandwich form i.e. Ramen Noodles or a tuna sandwich
3)Food that often requires the use of marijuana to find tasty
Bob-"Hey what's for dinner?"
George-"Ramen, tuna, and wonderbread were on sale so tuna ramen sandwichs"
Bob-"Man these college dinners take me back"
Lambeth College is the place for all. All roadmen and all big and inflated girls who bend it like beckham for a lanky guy that goes to Lambeth College. Marijuana is smelt from a distance and the greys skin repels at the very sight of the scary tall and skinny drug dealers. Often you will find them at the Clapham McDonalds rollings splifs and trying to get phone numbers of other females. All in all it is at the heart of south london with a horrid scent.
Wagwarn u lost ur V a Lambeth College yh? Snm take my snap
A college in greenhead, yorkshire, spain, that is run by the the legendary principal Garry Lett. Everyone who goes here gets A*s or gets expelled 1 day before results day. The site is built around the historic "Nut wall" and the parrallel "Depression wall". This school is only accessable via hovercraft or drone so the public transport is quite expensive. It is also the oldest school in europe according to the UN and The complete dinosaur encyclopedia.
"I go to greenhead College"
"Congrats nerd"
A place with chingchongbingbongs who doesn't shower, and ruins your life.
This place is such a Concord College
A college for drug addicts and alcoholics, mainly for special education.