A dance in which the male shoves his penis into a women and tells her bounce
Oh baby fuck me with the vagina shuffle
When someone is unsure whether or not they are asexual (aka ace), and are questioning it.
“I think girls look pretty but I can’t tell if it’s sexual attraction or just aesthetic attraction. I don’t know if I’m an ace. I’m shuffled.”
A word describing someone questioning whether or not they are asexual (aka "ace").
I think girls are pretty but I don't know if I'm feeling sexual attraction or just aesthetic. I can't tell if I'm an ace yet. I'm shuffled.
Someone who is unsure/questioning whether or not they are asexual (aka ace).
“I think girls look pretty, but I can’t tell if I like them sexually or just aesthetically. I don’t know if I’m ace. I’m shuffled.”
The act of one killing themselves by applying a slippery substance to the floor to prevent recovery from hanging.
Man today really sucked…I think I’m going to commit the Hernandez shuffle.
Addicts are sent to California to get sober, but are bought and sold for their insurance policy’s . The endless cycle of being from sober living to treatment centers. The ending is usually death
It’s not only the California shuffle its the Arizona shuffle the Florida shuffle etc.
A frustratingly slow walking pace renown in Brazil.
He only know's how to Brazilian Shuffle, my guess is he'll be another hour.
I ordered in a round, but your beer is now flat because of that Brazilian Shuffle you were sporting.