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Death of Nintendo

Something that was avoided after the Nintendo DS was released. It caused It's stocks to raise above that of Microsoft. The DS has a battery life of 10 hours, 2 screens, 2 processers, graphics better then that of the Nintendo 64. It uses game cards, instead of cartriges. It will blow the Playstation Portable(PSP) into dust. Reasons include: It's battery life is 2 1/2 hours, OOHHH WOW. It plays dvds witha battery life of 1 hour, the graphics are good, but not as good as the DS's, they are shy of 64 bit. They have ripped off nintendos touch screen technology due to a touch screen keyboard. It has more unecessary features then the PS2 and XBox combined, even the DS doesnt have that much unecessary crap. It has online support with 1 hour worth of battery power and will be released in 2005 with a price higher then the DS($150+ American) Whoever buys this console is buying a crap machine. The DS may be an odd new system but. Its innovation and graphics. Along with nintendos hard work have created the ultime handheld gaming system, only to be matched by the Game Boy Evolution coming 2006/2007. Not much is known of this system, spare better graphics then 64 bit, we can only hope for a mini gamecube :D. The nintendo DS's games are no longer kiddie, with the addition of a GTA game for it and the game Feel the Magic - XY-XX, the DS has more "T" rated games and features 3-D racing and sports games, nothing the GBA could handle. The death of nintendo is only a lie now, the Nintendo Revolution will probobly put Sony out of business.

The original creator of this definition obviously is a 11 year old sony nerd.

by Ol' Drippy November 19, 2004

39๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Stroke

Is the switch of hands during male masturbation.

Death Stroke is when a man is jacking off with one hand and right before he is about to climax... he switches hands quickly for a strong finish! LOL

by Pussypleaser April 22, 2010

33๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

thread death

A post that competely kills a thread or ends a discussion.

Tom: How are you doing? How was work?
Tim: lol
Tom: wow... thread death

by gamble1022 June 11, 2009

Death Beepcakes

A loveley gravely cake

Death Beepcakes

by AddieG October 20, 2012

Death Happy

A word to describe yourself and others who are more than happy to get killed or just die. This differs from those who are suicidal because people who're death happy have no desire to kill theselves whether it's out of laziness or other reasons. Instead they'll solicite others to kill them so they don't have to go through the hastle themselves.

"I know I sound suicidal and all but I'm really just death happy. I don't actually want to kill myself, but I totally wouldn't mind if someone just threw me off this cruise ship rn. In fact could someone do that. Plz"

"I'm feeling very death happy atm. Congrats you've just been hired as my hitman."

by MericanSpy June 24, 2019

Jig of death

The dance one does while being hung by thier neck.

Frank danced the jig of death on the gallows.

by Frank McBurns February 10, 2018

Death cake

Cake that is served at a funeral, wake or luncheon after a funeral.

Rest in peace Uncle Bill. Let's grab a sandwich and death cake.

by zk840 April 13, 2011