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Band Kid Humor

A term used for outdated, unfunny, ‘le random XD’ humor. Band kids aren’t funny. If you call them out on it they begin to melt.

“Oh my god dude look at this funny vine!”
“You have band kid humor.”
“Wh-what... No! What have you done?!”

by Allosaurus Anonymous September 16, 2019

164👍 11👎

Internet Band-Aid

When someone on the internet whines about their life just so they can get a shitload of people to put an emotional "band-aid" on said user by feeling sorry for him/her. These are the same type of people that censor their YouTube comment section or complain about trivial shit like "cyber bullying". Most commonly seen on Facebook where bitches are always talking about how "broken" they are.

Half of all female Facebook users utilize internet band-aids.

by thisplacesucksass March 6, 2014

89👍 6👎

Naked Brothers Band

A sign of the apocalypse.

It's basically a band full of 6 members that haven't had their testicles drop yet. There is one unlucky girl in the show that seems to have become the love interest of Nat Wolff ever since he got over his fear of cooties. Nat's 8 year old brother, Alex, wears a doo-rag and fake tattoos because what he lacks in reproductive organs he makes up for in bling bling, haterz!

The story is based around Nat and Alex's unsuccessful love life. Oh yeah, and they play crappy music too. Did I mention these kids are 10 and 8? Alex always wonders why 18 year old girls aren't attracted to him. He "left" the band because some whore wouldn't let him see his first set of hooters. In one unfortunate episode Nat received his first kiss by the alien-girl in the band, Rosalina.

When these kids aren't trying to hump the legs of their female producers they write songs with shitty lyrics. Their first single, Crazy Car, was painstakingly bad. Same with the next, and the next, and you guessed it, the next. Nat professed his love for Rosalina with a song named "Rosalina." Yes, and you better believe that song brings the major LOLs.

The acting in this show is mindboggingly awful. If you love your characters constantly reading off a teleprompter then this show is for you, faggot.

I find it scary that parents are offended by the name of the band instead of the bullshit that is being leaked to their children. Please do not let Little Johnny get a gee-tar or drumset because he wants to be like his idol Nat. Just turn off the TV, delete his myspace, and make him read a damn book.

I love how most sites deem the Naked Brothers Band as a "Tween Rocumentary." Fuckers.

I dare you to listen to one of their songs. The instant you put those headphones in your ear you'll be rolling around on the floor in a seizure-like state, foaming at the mouth while at the same time screaming "What the shit."

by urmomlol April 5, 2007

1460👍 175👎

Boy Band Theory

The theory that in any given boy band, two of the members are gay for each other. Begun by crazed fangirls . You can see examples of this by going to Youtube and typing in a live performance by a band, and checking the comments. This is followed by name combination.

Boy Band Theory:
Ex1: MCR: Frank Iero+ Gerard way= Freard
Ex2: P!ATD Ryan ross+ Brendon Urie = Rydon

by Mr.ToeDuck January 16, 2011

15👍 1👎

alter marching band

The best band in the world; a band that no one can beat

In class A, the champion is the Alter Marching Band!

by stonefur February 28, 2017

rubber band man

"I'm the Rubber Band Man. It's basically about being back in the Trap, like when we start our day, we might have two, three, rubber bands on our wrist. According to how much dope we had to sell. By the end of the day, if we sold all our dope we don't have any more rubber bands around our wrists cause they wrapped around money. So the Rubber Band Man is just my little way of holding on to that lifestyle just a little bit. I ain't selling no more dope, but I'm still wrapping rubber bands around money." - from a whudat interview with T.I.

But why the rubber band?
It representin the struggle man.
- Rubber Band Man, T.I.

by dazzledlucky August 30, 2005

577👍 83👎

Worst Band In The World

"Creed" according to Google. Although it's fixed now, you used to be able to type in "the worst band in the world" in Google and search it. "Creed" would be seen everywhere.

Creed Fan: I hate google
Friend: Why?
Creed Fan: I googled "the worst band in the world"
Friend: Oh...

by Freakin' Sweet! November 25, 2006

1357👍 210👎