Source Code

Tucker Max

Tucker Max can think whatever he wants, and do whatever he wants, because he is indeed Jesus. Bow to Tucker and spread his word.

Tucker 3:16 - Thou Shalt Blow me, and pass thine liquor ye old whore!

by Josh November 11, 2003

397๐Ÿ‘ 652๐Ÿ‘Ž

max out

to penetrate all three major female orifices - mouth, vagina and anus - consecutively or simultaneously

I need to max out that girl before I dump her

by Prp Guy March 31, 2006

41๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Grodi to the max

70's slang for something being disgusting.

That sandwich was grodi to the max!

by godi master June 13, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

max zhang

A retarded guy who often fights with other people ,given the fact that those people are way better than he is. Try hard kind of guy who is a real sissy. The troll to define all trolls but fails at trolling. A guy who hides behind a screen and constantly waits for his rival to respond to his gay comments. A guy who develops a crush on his rival and can't admit to his feelings.

Guy: That's just pathetic, Max Zhang.

Other guy: Pathetic isn't pathetic enough for Max Zhang.

Guy: Then what do I use instead of Max Zhang?

Other guy: Just Max Zhang

by Maark The Naarc September 16, 2017

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

grody to the max

1.gross; 2. cool,awesome in a strange way.

1.That food looks grody to the max.
2.That guy is so grody to the max.

by Hip80sChick8254 May 18, 2005

45๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Legned of Max

One of the hardest songs in DDR, this was introduced in ddr extreme(8th mix). It does contain the tradmark "Max full stop" but unlike the other Max series songs, this one has a more paranioa sound to it. it is one of only 4 four songs to ever recieve the "flashing ten footer" rating along with paranioa surviver max, the brand new Max song on super nova (Fascination MaxX), and the japan exclusive Max.(period). speed runs at about 333 BPM going down to zero and peaking at a blazinf 666 BPM (even though its during a freeze).

"I think this poor child passed out due to "DDR related injuries"

-lemme guess, The Legned of Max??

by Dj Spectrum June 17, 2006

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Maxed out

1) A state of taking something to the extreme, causing it to fail abruptly due to reaching it's highest possible limit.
2) To be in such a circumstance that you are unable to perform a bodily function/action as normal.
3) To become broke in a very short period of time due to overspending.

1) That old lady maxed out her knees when she fell over.
2) Sir,I can't do P.E today cuz i've maxed out my ankle.
3) My woman robbed my credit card last night and now it's maxed out

by Samstorm December 5, 2004

17๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž