This is most commonly relating to an actual idiot. Someone that is too scared to be out-benched because he’s proper weak.
Person one: ‘Have you seen what camron brown did?’
Person two: ‘Omg he’s a retarded cunt’
Person three: ‘agreed’
Ok there are 2 types of socially retarded people. There's the type of people that are quiet and shy and freak out whenever someone goes up and talks to them. Then, there's the type of people who say weird and gross stuff in a social setting without either realizing it or not.
guy: i asked my gf what she wanted to do tonight and she said "mad butt stuff, crazy butt stuff, butt stuff til we can't butt stuff no more"
olivia: really? whether she's joking or not, that's still kinda weird to say
guy: yeah i know...
olivia: god, alana is so socially retarded
A move commonly used by retards directly after witnessing their non retarded siblings play Super Smash Bros. This move is generally used in combination with retard rage and retard strength. Pretty much it when the tard in question starts smashing shit for no reason other than pure retard enjoyment.
Hey Billy what the hell is your retarded brother doing with the kitchen table over his head? Oh, he's just doing some retard smashing. Retard smashing? Yeah he's all retard raging and picking up heavy shit and smashing it... Don't worry he won't hurt you!
A grown ass man or woman that wears a full on snow suit in public place such as work or a shopping mall.
Look who walked in the door is that who I think it is? Yep it’s the abominable retard herself.
the realm of retardation discord server is fuckin cool
Someone too stupid to tell what's real and what's not.
Someone who believes everything is factual that they see on reality TV shows.
Someone who believes what they see on History Channel is fake and E! is real.
A person of low intelligence who lives in a fantasy world.
My reality retard sister can't get enough of the reality shows.
The retarded slut had sex with 6 men, what a retarded slut.