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twitter hippy

Refers to an individual(s) who displays themselves as a "hippy" via social networking sites, but upon being seen and conversed with in person, have no outstanding qualities that would allow them to be seen as aforementioned "hippy". Twitter biographies often include descriptors declaring that one is indeed "a hippy", "flower child", "peace lover", "acid lover", etc. May even go as far as to tweet and retweet things that encourage this false image, even though they may not fully understand the subject matter of said tweets.

John: "Sarah is a very judgmental, mean girl."
David: "But her twitter makes her seem so peaceful and cool, she's got a picture of the Buddha on her header!"
John: "Nah, she's just a twitter hippy."

by Skyeandsea November 17, 2013

The “Your Turn To Die” Shadshin Twitter Ship Poll Takeover

From November 14th 2023 to November 19th 2023, the Twitter user made a poll of a Your Turn To Die ship battle, the ship Shadshin was suggested and added as a joke, but Shadshin soon started taking up the Your Turn To Die Twitter, and spawning two twibbon campaigns, edits, and fanart, as well as many, many quote retweets. Shadshin won all the polls up to the final one, beating Ransara and almost beating Naoreko, Shadshin was declared the winner as a joke and everyone celebrated on the Yttd Roblox Rolplay server.

“Hey do you remember the “Your Turn To Die” Shadshin Twitter Ship Poll Takeover?”
Don’t. Fucking. Mention. It.”

by Ginibushikinni3 November 20, 2023

High Fashion Twitter

also HF Twitter, hft, hftw, hf twt, etc.

A twitter subculture that centers around fashion and style. Within it, people also have varied interests such as couture, deconstructionism, and anti-fashion.

High Fashion Twitter isn't only Westwood and Versace.

by sewagewater June 8, 2021

Twitter Tourettes

Twitter Tourettes or (Twitter Thumbing) is the urges for over-using of AAVE, popular slang and hand movements that it becomes a "personality" one picked up from Tiktok and especially Twitter- Those phrases that are texted, they tend to act it out in real life and it seems forced.

Girl 1: OMG YES QUEEN, PERIODT POOH *does Debby Ryan hair behind ear movement 9 times* chileee! *points*

Girl 2: ...Girl are you okay?

Girl 1: No and what about it???? *does the face*

Girl 2: oh, You must have Twitter Tourettes, my bad.

by Up shut March 11, 2021

Twitter Famous Rez

Probably one of the most wholesome & nicest lad you'll meet, you should definitely commission them sometime

Hey, is that THE Twitter Famous Rez?!


by XRequiemX October 7, 2020

parody twitter accounts

parody twitter accounts are made by cool people and most of these are peak : Caine,Mecha,beezle who is dead, I AM GOD, xen,hat kid,caseoh, parody twitter,the ink demon who is gone for real, fatal error gone as well for real,etc

parody twitter accounts are peak

by FUNNY FURNACE May 7, 2024

Parody Twitter Account

Roleplay accounts on Twitter (X) ran by fans of the character being roleplayed. People who run Parody Twitter Accounts commonly spread misinformation on the Internet for fun

Person 1: I run a Parody Twitter Account!
Person 2: Cool

by Parody Twitter May 4, 2024