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Friend zone

The frustrating position a guy finds himself in when he has(or develops) romantic feelings for a girl in a platonic friendship who is unaware of how he feels despite numerous affections and favors.

Guys stuck in the friend zone can usually be seen giving sappy gifts, acting codependent doing her constant favors, cuddling, giving backrubs and crying themselves to sleep when she hooks up with everybody else. She remains oblivious that he's doing it all to try and woo her, since every attempt feels like an act of friendship instead.

Feminists believe it is fictitious. Any woe is actually your misogynist belief that a girl is obligated to fuck you for simply being her friend or acting really nice. tl;dr you're a pig who hasn't checked his privilege and thinks he deserves access to a woman's body when he feels like it.

Nice guys believe the friend zone is what happens when you treat girls with respect. The reality is nobody wants an overly nice "yes-man" with no confidence and the personality of a wet mop. They are also too easy to manipulate.

YOU think it's because she's too dumb to notice how much of an obvious special snowflake you are for being really super nice and attentive instead of hitting on her... you are also stupid.

Truth is, it's his/your own fault for dragging feet until the dating window closed and never speaking up. The ONLY way out now is to sit down and TALK TO HER. Maybe she'll reject you, maybe she won't... but that's life.

bimbo1: Hey you two look great together. Saw your facebook how Dave takes you out all the time, buys you dinner and does all these nice things. I'm soooo jealous he even bought you tickets to the concert and that necklace. He's so awesome I wish I had a boyfriend like that.
bimbo 2: Oh god no LOL he's just my bestest friend ever.
bimbo 1: Ouch, friend zoned.

girl: oh-em-gee I just LUV you. Flowers AGAIN thank you so much for being my cuddle buddy! I'm so lonely, if only I could find a great guy like you.
guy: well ya know, I am single after all ;)
girl: LOL eww not in a hundred years that would be like dating my brother!
guy: fuuuu.... I hate the friendzone.
girl: huh?
guy: I said uh... I wanna give a backrub?
girl: aww k! I'd take my shirt off but it's not like you'd wanna see THOSE ha-ha. so anyway i hate how Kevin always holds my head down every time I suc--
guy: god please kill me now.

by xailu March 6, 2014

7๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


A horrible band from Romania that sings annoying songs. These include Dragostea din tei and Despre Tine which both, really, really suck. They are good voice annoys for Counter Strike tho.

BoT|Heaki: Ma-ia-hii
Alo Salut sunt eu un haiduc
Si te rog iubirea mea primeste fericirea.
Alo alo sunt eu Picasso
Ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.
BoT|Random Hero: OMG STFU, Michael!

by Heaki March 8, 2005

15๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

bone zone

1. The zone a guy gets in when he does something that deserves sex.
2. The zone a guy gets in when a girl wants to have sex with him.

1. "So he bought me 2 dozen pink roses. I guess he's is the bone zone"
2. "I haven't seen my boyfriend in a month now. When he gets back he is definitly in the bone zone."

by TinkerCakes November 3, 2012

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green zone

Safe public bathroom for emergency number 2s.

After eating 9 hard boiled eggs, I was in desperate need of a green zone at the mall.

by Scot makes brown February 2, 2006

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zone offense

A strategy employed by a group of males at a crowded bar. Members of the group strategically disperse themselves around the bar to pick up females in their particular vicinity.

I got two phone numbers during our zone offense last night.

by T.I.S.F February 10, 2008

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no throw zone

a time period in which no sexual attivity can accure due to an upcoming event.

my girl comes back in two days I am in my "no throw zone" so she won't know I've been cheating

by kickasscc December 27, 2006

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ZigZag Zone

the worst server ever, its just nathan spamming and miscellaneous screenshots of GMod sex while everyone simps over Charles Calvin from the Henry Stickmin Games

Nathan: ZigZag Zone is best server

by MaxZigZagz November 4, 2020

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