Owet El terkiz is a phrase invented by the New generation's Bruce Lee known by many as @josephmerheb3 on tiktok.
Most notably "hayde owet El terkiz".
Joseph is also the creator of the helicopter move in Kung fu and a expert ping pong player.
A gigga Chad amongst the Lebanese people he has achieved many things only people can dream about
a unmatched marital arts Warrior.
Loved by all Joseph Merheb.
Hayde owet El terkiz
Lyom farjatkoun Jamel w owet El terkiz
A God to most mexicans he saved mexico from el chapo
Praise the Lord El Toro Georro
To take a shot to the head from a guitar.
God damn he got wrecked! He just got El Kabong-ed by that steel guitar.
When one consumes too much spicy Mexican food causing the rectum to burn during a bowel movement.
Ouch, that spicy taco gave me el fica diablo.
The spanish translation of "a bruh moment". An instance of Jeff letting the world know of his name or an epic "what are those" beings expressed. Now that's an el hermano momentum. BRUH!
Epic dudes: WHAT ARE THOSE!!!
Everyone: BRUH!!
Me: Now this, this is an el hermano momentum. BRUH!!
One of the best underground hip hop producers who makes mellow beats with a Jazzy twist. It’s a must to hear him.
Earl: Hey you got some really chill beats right there! Who’s that by any chance? You getting a 5 star rating from me.
Uber Driver: Oh that’s some hip hop producer called El Jazzy Chavo. I play his beats all the time as I drive. Glad you like it my friend.
A racist term employed by rich people to refer to the practice of hiring blacks or Mexicans to do work that they feel is beneath them. The "el," in "el-bro grease" means "the" in Spanish and therefore represents Latinos and "bro" is short for "brother," which is slang for an African or African-American.
My good man! That was a smashing round of golf. Whoa! What did you shine the rims of your Lexus with? Dog shit? Might I recommend a full-service car wash where they will use plenty of el-bro grease to polish those to a sterling luster?