the most clingiest type of animal or human out just always wanting attention and will annoy you till they get attention they dont care who it is and probably has daddy issues and commitment issues
person 1: did you hear about mia
person 2: no why?
person 1: even though she liked ______ a lot and he liked her too she was to ask him out because she thinks he is gunna leave her
person 2: wow i feel bad for her-
Mia is a beautiful soul that is funny and she is everything you could ever want.
She funny, sweet and if you have a Mia in your life you have been blessed by God himself.
Mia will become best friends with you or be your worst enemy.
Mia's tend to be dirty-minded. And most Mia's come out Gay
One rule about knowing a Mia DON'T MESS WITH HER
Girl 1: Mia is so sweet she talked to me yesterday and I fell in love
Girl 2: Just don't get on her bad side, everyone knows she has one!
Dumb bitch who will steal your car, sell your kids mini bike for dope$, and smile to your face while thinking of some other way to drag you down usually by using up all resources like toiletpaper. Fat liar and ugly as personality seems
Fuck, Mia's knocking at the door again
Tell her to fuck off, or she'll keep Knocking
if your name is Mia your probably the baddest bitch there is. you better watch out if someone named Mia comes your way.
oh shit Mia is gonna beat my ass.