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Staszko effect

Poker boom that spread out in Czech Republic and partially Slovakia when 35-year old Martin Staszko walked away from 2011 World Series Of Poker Main Event as a runner-up with over $5,200,000 prize.

- Hey, did you know Petr has started playing poker too?
- LOL, did he? Must be the Staszko effect!

by Scarmaker November 25, 2011

The Rockefeller effect

The Rockefeller effect is when you get used to

the not original version of a song
And the original song starts sounding weird/slow

Person 1: hey you should listen to the original caramelldansen song i heard it triggers the Rockefeller effect
Person 2: ok
3 minutes and 38 seconds later
Person 2: *dies*
Person 1: oh nooo.!

by Dmsas360 August 11, 2020

The Elmo Effect

When a guy fucks a girl so hard she bleeds all over her bush and it turns red like Elmo’s fur.

Mike destroyed Maria’s pussy and gave her the Elmo Effect

by thecerealraper May 21, 2018

The Bazinga Effect

The Bazinga Effect is a philosophy originating from the popular tv series "Big Bang Theory". The well known catchphrase, "Bazinga" is used frequently, and a lot of the time out of context. This word is far from being classified as funny, but people still laugh. The word bazinga is an example, and the namesake of The Bazinga Effect.

Steve: "I don't get why people keep laughing, it's not funny."
Joseph: "It looks like The Bazinga Effect is settling in."

by Platootel January 19, 2018

The Prankenstein Effect

When you come up with something that you think is cool and funny and you think you're the first person to think of it, but it turns out many people have thought of it long before you.

Person 1: Bro! I have a crazy idea! Imagine Frankenstein but he's a prankster, and his name is PRANKENSTEIN. Why has no one ever though of this before?

Person 2: That joke has been used several times already by many other people.

Person 1: Fuck. I'll call this phenomenon "The Prankenstein Effect"

by Stalmoblin January 3, 2023

SlammySammy effect

The phenomenon of interacting with twitch streamer SlammySammy whether online or off and having a positive effect on the lives of those who interact.

Viewer 1; Man, I was having such a bad week until I tuned into Sammy's stream.

Viewer 2: that's the SlammySammy effect for you!

by aghdbcxvnyu64 January 13, 2022

Ferguson Effect

The unnecessary delay a Police Officer takes before lawfully taking someone's life. An unnecessary delay that puts an officer in grave danger himself because he is fearful of unjust criticism and scrutiny from the media, critics, citizens, celebrities and politicians, etc. The fear a Police Officer experiences for being wrongly accused of being a racist in a fatal shooting.

That cop almost got wasted because of the Ferguson Effect waiting too long to shoot Jimmy Jones fearing he would be called a racist.

by Donziman February 18, 2019