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first try, idiot

Popularized by the Twitch streamer, it is used when you complete a task, even if it isn’t your first try.

First try, idiot.

by Datgamerdo9001 January 24, 2018

40πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

You Fucking Idiot

Need I say more?

Jack Harlow you fucking idiot

by NepgearAfficionado March 11, 2022

38πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Blue pale idiot

basically google mocking dan

Me: searches blue pale idiot
google: dantdm
Me: wtf google

by someonedum December 1, 2021

34πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

one man idiot

refering to the ability to make an ass of yourself without the help of others. a rare gift possesed by most of the teenage population.

my freind jimmy is a one man idiot

by TheDudeAbides February 26, 2004

I'm a fucking idiot

The conclusion you came to, after realising a girl you like was interested in you, but you just couldn't see it no matter how many hints she thrown at you!

I never realised that she was into me! I'm a fucking idiot.

by Yetu December 26, 2012

155πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Idiot Passenger Syndrome

The phenomenon whereby the journey of a whole group is spoiled by the thoughtlessness of one individual.

Behaviours include but are not limited to - excessive and indiscriminate MP3 player use. Standing in a carriage doorway and not stepping off or moving aside. Barging onto a carriage as others are exiting. Stopping dead at the bottom of an escalator. Carrying extraordinary amounts of luggage in peak periods. Travelling in huge rustling packs, their vile neon coloured cagoules shedding static like a thunderstorm. Throwing themselves in front of trains in peak time. Bastards the lot of them.

Sufferers of IPS can be encountered on any mass transit system but the London Underground (see Hell) is particularly prone to the depradations of IPS sufferers.

"...and then this complete Idiot Passenger Syndrome got on and stood right in the doorway for two stops. I think he was listening to Craig David. What a wanker. I had to hit him in the balls with my bag just to make him move out of the way."

by hierophant January 13, 2006

47πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Cape Coral Idiot

A person who buys $12,000 worth of Home Depot cards hoping to earn points with his boss. This person is too dumb to realize that it is not his boss asking him to purchase the cards. He then is so dumb as to scratch and take pictures of the pin numbers to send to his "boss".

Wayne is such a Cape Coral Idiot. I cannot believe he could be so stupid.

by Bootstrap & Queso November 16, 2018