"Pick to Play" is another "Pay to Play" type of game mode. The initial game is free, but there's certain options that you need to pay in order to pick, locking down part of the game to customers. It can be a bit of a hassle as it keeps people who can't pay from getting the full experience and gets tiresome very fast.
Pay to Play Game Mobile Games DLC
P1: Hey have you tried the new game by Berries?
P2: No, it has pick to play and I don't want to support that kind of thing.
Get It Picked is an on-demand delivery service that allows you to have your items picked up and delivered to your desired location in Nova Scotia, Canada.
I ordered courier from get it picked yesterday
Selection of a partner due to exceptional flirting abilities
"She gets at least one d pick a week — she can have her pick of men"
Pick-a-dilly is not only a London Underground train line, it is also a very important choice to be made in every man’s life
Hey man! Pick a dilly already!
Jamet, you need to pick a dilly.
How many of these do I have to do, Jordan? It LOOK TO ME like we ONLY CARE SELECTIVELY when we can use it to prevent someone from becoming on of the special people but if the SPECIAL PEOPLE do it it's fine.
Hym "Hey what happens to your reputation if you're picking on MEN, Jordan? What happens if you're a charlatan? To you're reputation? What happens if you collectively try to impose schizophrenia on someone? Oh wait... This. This is what happens. I am the consequences of your collective actions. What's my score? I know it's AT LEAST 2. What's the score?"
Jules picks times , games and everything
Jules picks day say is a day where she picks everything