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A person attracted to the same gender not an insult stop using it as a fucking insult gay people are completely normal

-hey I'm gay
-it's fine I except you for who you are

by Gothcat August 3, 2019

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when you are stupid

That guy is so gay.

by cyan red October 29, 2020

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The bro Kyler Hale. That bro's just a raging butterfly raining glitter and sparkles everywhere he goes.

We know that only a guy as GAY as Kyler would be that much of a self-deluding homophobe.

by Redheadlover420 March 25, 2020

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You: hey guys!
Your friends: omgg.. it’s the gay guy…

by sexybeast_dd August 17, 2021

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Having the ability to be next a guy who is using a urinal and you piss next to them

How the fuck you dont know how to put a word like gay into a sentence bitch think for yourself

by lgautam October 31, 2020

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Peeing at a urinal that is next to another male that is using it even if there are other empty urinals

Nigga I ain’t telling you how to use gay in a sentence

by lgautam October 31, 2020

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gay can mean 3 different things

1.) happy (it's an older definition but exists.)

2.) a homosexual human being

3.) something used in a negative connotation

1.) we're all pretty damn happy, if I do say so my lesbian self!
2.)"look at how cute that gay couple is"
3.)"WOW that *negative name* is so fucking gay!"

by changinglateralexandria April 5, 2018

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