Source Code

Samuel L. Jackson

The black guy in every movie or series

I loved samuel L. Jacksons' acting in pulp fiction

by Turn_off_safe_search_sonic_69 May 16, 2020

Reverse michael jackson

When someone changes skin color from white to black

Did jake from state farm pull a reverse michael jackson

by Fringlydingly September 15, 2020

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

sleepy eyed jackson

When someone is asleep and another male whacks off and blows his load in the sleeping victims closed eyes. When victim wakes up he has a crusty substance in his eyes.

Dude, I think your dad gave me the sleepy eyed jackson last night.

by Jeff "Sloppy Joe" Lundquist December 30, 2004

63πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Samuel L Jackson

A black actor who's appeared in just about every movie. Ever.

When in doubt, cast Samuel L. Jackson in a supporting or leading role.

by little geek July 9, 2005

455πŸ‘ 170πŸ‘Ž

Jackson Rancheria Style

When you leave a casino with an empty wallet and a bleeding anus. There also may be copious amounts of male ejaculate stuck to your back. Don't bother with making a Police report, it is your fault for walking through the door and being done Jackson Rancheria Style!

Dinner at Lone Wolf's Restaurant $150
One night in a Tuscan Suite $399
Show tickets $150
Paying 150% over retail at the Kessler's gift shop. $300
Getting your bank account emptied
while playing in the Casino.....PRICELESS

That is what is know as "getting worked Jackson Rancheria Style"

by ouchmyasshurts April 10, 2009

44πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Samuel Jackson Beer

Featured on Chapelle's Show, Samuel Jackson Beer is a parody of Samuel Adams Beer commercials. The sketch features a loud, foul-mouthed Samuel L. Jackson (played by Dave Chapelle) promoting his own brand of beer while wearing Colonial-era clothing and puffing a cigarette.

"Samuel Jackson Beer! It'll get ya drunk! You'll be fucking fat girls in no time! You might even fight a nigger!"

by You Can't Kill the Metal July 6, 2006

227πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž

Michael Jackson

A highly contagious decease in which someone has an increasingly high fetish towards kids and invites them over to sleep in his bed with him.

Jacob Hey Mike, got a little kid now? I haven’t seen you in years!
mike Nah fam, doctor said I only have 6 weeks to live as I have been infected with Michael Jackson syndrome.
Jacob Stay the fuck away from me!

by Jdbbdkebshx November 19, 2018

3πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž