Americans who believe in 1950’s Midwestern values. A Paper Mill in every town and a thot on every street corner. Like Bengals fans just slughtly more in reality.
Clint is voting for the local politicians who support Paper Mills Nation and got solid patty points.
Drink Milk tons of it doesn't matter if your lactose intolerant drink it.
Hey bro guess what?
Yeah man?
It's National Milk Day
Wait no.
National pensive day, founded by some discord idiots, is a day where you type in the "pensive" emoji in any social media. The day falls on 6/9, which is the 9th of June.
Person 1: 😔
Person 2: Why’d you send that out of nowhere?
Person 1: It’s national pensive day!
National Daisy day is on April 17
It is the time to celebrate all people called daisy who are in ur life because they are epic so dont take them for granted . Also daisy loves potatoes so go get her some curly fries
I wrote a letter to daisy because its national Daisy Day
Bobert is a plastic doll we pary to every year on August eighth
We start at 12 PM and say our prayer about Bobert and our favourite thing about Bobert
what day id aug 8th?
National Bobert Day!
Oct. 23
The day we celebrate and honor our nations whores. On this day we remember the harlots that gave up the goods for cash and trinkets.
Tricia may have banged them all, but she got paid. Call her a dirty hoe if you must, but even she gets respect on national prostitutes day.
The day FluTopians are celebrated. The famous coon, Matthew Fluegge, is also honored during this day.
Wow, Marcos It's National Fluegge Day!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)