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Turd Burglar

One who thinks they rule a public restroom, and rudely wait for you to get out of a stal. They do this by asking questions, whistling loudly, knockin on the stall door, telling children you'll be out soon, and otherwise stalling the delicate process of public defecation. Often found at camping sites.

Dude, I had to take a massive crap, but I just couldn't let it out! The Turd Burglar kept strutting around the bathroom and asking when I'd be out.

by PurebredGamer March 25, 2007

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Phantom turd

Faeces that disappears around the u-bend without flushing, leaving no trace it had ever been there.

I know I've just had a shit, but it's a phantom turd!

by Dark 1 January 10, 2004

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Stockholm turd

a log of fecal matter that has been held in so long due to a lack of access to a bathroom that when a bathroom does finally become available the turd is reluctant to exit and has to be forced out seemingly against its will.

After being uncomfortably stuck in traffic for over an hour, I got home and pushed out a huge stockholm turd.

by FidRock December 19, 2007

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turd hat

An insult specially reserved for those who repeatedly butt in and overtake a conversation to express their point of view even though it is thoroughly nonsensical or irrelevant.

"Turd hat, stop stepping on my turd"

by Carly A. November 5, 2007

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turd burglar

A thief of human excrement - based on an historical relevance

Wealthy chinese citizens during the ninth and tenth century would sprinkle gold dust on their food as a sign of extreme wealth but also as they believed it provided healing powers. Lesser citizens lived in the catacombs below the city and stole the released excrement to extract its valuable cargo.

by Craig Murphy June 2, 2005

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Gerbil Turds

Chocolate Covered Raisins, movie snack bar staples, not to be confused with squirrel turds

Dude, bring me back some Gerbil Turds
and a trash can of Orvilles

by [Wuffageeter] May 10, 2007

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turd pilot

One who drives a flying turd.

The turd pilot is heading this way.

by scottbo February 18, 2008

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