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Half Child Chowder

Half Child Chowder is comprised of jism. That is it. Half the chromosomes necessary to create a child. A human child.

"I'm going to fill her box full of half child chowder", the man told his waiter in regards to the escort with whom he just wined and dined.

by Acute Lymphoblastic February 10, 2016

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least favorite child

Being the least favorite child means you either:
a) Have a younger sibling
b) Are less loved
c) Use the term to irritate your parents as they supposedly "love you equally"

My mother said there is no such thing as a least favorite child, and that she loves us equally. Yet she obliviously loves my brother/sister more.

by NosliwNeb October 17, 2017

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do-over child

A do-over child is a child that is a second chance for parents with grown children over 18. This usually refers to a situation where a grandparent is raising their grandchild and doing a way better job than they did with their original child.

My parents have no time for their adult children or relationships with them because they are too busy with their do-over child.

by cmay May 29, 2015

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November love child

Someone born around the beginning/middle of November due to their parents conceiving them on Valentine's Day.

There are loads of them.

Guy #1: Dude, I why are nearly all our friends' birthdays in November?!
Guy #2: They're all November love children - loads of parents-to-be think it'll be a great idea to conceive on Valentine's Day. November is 9 months later!

by Nottel Inyu January 4, 2010

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Retired Wild Child

People who during their youths were very adventurous and often participated in crazy activities but have since matured and have grown out of the so called "wild child" phase.

Someone not interested in college parties because they partied so much in high school.

"Don't you know? Insert name isn't going to the party because he/she is a retired wild child.

by Arcane Persona September 13, 2009

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Secret love child

Shoto: are you all Mights secret love child

Deku: whaaaaa-

He is all mighty secret love child

by Hoe for sero January 3, 2021

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Typical only child

A person who was an only child growing up. They are typically very independent, hard working, and dedicated. But they must get there way, otherwise a temper tantrum will be had.

Alex works 60 hours a week. Alex has never missed a day of work. Alex didn't get what she wanted for lunch today and she started crying. Alex is a typical only child.

by Autopartsfreak September 9, 2011

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