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Crap ton

See shit ton

Q: How many do you have?
A: A crap ton!

by Hattermad April 4, 2019

crap fit

Settling for CRAP you don't want and then trying to FIT it into your life. Thus, ultimately convincing yourself that it's better than nothing.

Donna, you are a smart and beautiful woman! Don't CRAP FIT yourself to that loser Joe, he doesn't deserve you.

by Yo_Angie April 16, 2024

Crap Daniels

The feeling (and exclamation) when you realize you've made a mistake or done something incredibly stupid, and get a drunk-dizzy feeling from the realization, much like taking a couple shots of Jack Daniels.

"Dude... You forgot your girlfriends birthday today.."

"Crap Daniels!!"

by wonderkind April 30, 2010


Just underneath crap, which is an overused term.

Your guitar playing is worse than crap. It is ass-crap.

by Weinsist June 29, 2018

Crap Crap Slide

A song and dance craze that keeps you crapping.

DJ Assper: Crap to the left, Crap to the right, Piss off!
Me: The crap crap slide got me crapping.

by gregben March 10, 2022

Crap Splash

When your feces make a splash inside the toilet while you are taking a dump, often resulting in getting wet.

I was in the toilet taking a dump and had a Crap Splash get my buttocks wet.

by Foxtrot Knox November 24, 2016

chapter crap

when you can't quite squeeze one out in its entirety, so you wipe up come back to it later to finish it off.

Bill: Man, I had the worst chapter crap ever last night; it took over four hours!

Francis: Thats terrible!

by Major Broseph January 26, 2009