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time ripper

Something that takes up a lot of your time that you did not intend to spend on that activity. An engrossing activity, especially on the Internet.

The Urban Dictionary is a real time ripper.

by Lude February 11, 2005

JJR Time

1. Last minute vacation time
2. Vacation time taken unnecessarily, often for no reason other then one does not want to work any longer.
3. Typically a small amount of vacation, usually between two and four hours.

George: "Man, I do not want to be here today...it's Friday and I have a hot date tonight"
Fred: "Why not use JJR Time?"
George: "Dude! Great idea"
Fred: "If you are leaving then no way I want to stick around and be bored by myself. I think I will also use some JJR Time!"

by idolatro15 February 19, 2010

Waffle time

When something epic is happening and it deserve a celebration... Or two, maybe even three

Uncultured Person: Bro I'm hungry
Cultured Person: You should get some waffles!
Uncultured Person: Why waffles?

Cultured Person: Well that's because waffles are versatile, you can have it for breakfast, lunch, teatime, dinner, supper, anytime. This is also called waffle time.

Uncultured Person: Waffle time?

Cultured Person: Heck yea bro. Your gf broke up with you? Waffle time. Things are not going well with your relationship? Waffle time. Your loved ones died in a car crash? Waffle time. Your significant other cheated with a blonde haired foreigner named Chad who is obviously much better than you in everything and wants to break off your engagement which have been ongoing for 2 years? Yup, you guessed it, its waffle time. c: (fuck you karen)

by Nugs92 December 12, 2019


When your parents are either fighting/arguing/discussing in the basement, their room etc...
And you want to listen in but the only way is through the vent. This is known as Vent Time.

*hears parents arguing* 🎶"VEEENNTTT TTTIIMMMEEE"🎶

Parents are fighting again, time to do Vent Time.

by Ajluv June 8, 2017

Type Time

A Philadelphia colloquialism used while politely questioning someone's presence in reality. Hardly ever used directly at the person unless meaning to insult them. Often used when someone is making little to no sense in any and all situations. The word "Type" may or may not be omitted

"He was on some other type time saying a quarter of an hour is 25 minutes"
"What was up with that dude making no sense?" - "idk, he was on some other type time"
*Someone asks a ridiculous question* - snarky answer - "I have a question, what time are you even on?

by Blushing Caligula March 29, 2023

Snacky Time

kageyama, hinata, and noya were all trying to study for their upcoming tests, when tanaka ryūnosuke said "it's snacky time" after bursting into the room with bags of chips in season 2, episode 2, 08:47 dub of haikyuu. it means that it was, to say the least, snacky time.

ennoshita: nishinoya, let me see your quiz from yesterday
tanaka: *opens door with chips in hand and leg crossed* it's SNACKY TIME

by athena poopy September 9, 2020

Bornos Time

that short period of time when ur in ur robe after a shower in the midst of your life completely falling apart.

Dang this calls for some bornos time.

by Tohighfkt August 3, 2020