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East hardy high school

A school that is one one the top public schools in West Virginia. Gets the worst funding for a school that prides it’s self on academics and sports, even though they are good in both areas . Got lots of yeeyees who run over their friends.

East hardy high school really does focus on academics as well as have great sport teams.

by WVSSAC October 23, 2019

High society tc

A family truck club where everyone helps and motivates each other!

The high society tc is coming for the top!

by Sky2high May 30, 2021

High society tc

A family truck club where everyone helps and motivates each other!

The high society tc is coming for the top!

by Sky2high May 30, 2021

high test girl

any girl who appears to be on high testosterone

Before becoming gay lovers both bndrew and bardens enjoyed looking at high test girls

by mfdoge March 22, 2019

Norwalk high

Norwalk high is a place in CT where they greet each other by asking for the tsss.

yooo you go the Norwalk high right... where you been at... i know you got it ( let me tap)

by water 66 February 25, 2020

Timberland High School

a school whose season about to end

You see who Timberland High School plays tonight? Not going to look good for them.

by woodlandhighschool February 16, 2023


When you drink so much wine you become a 2000s songs dancer

Haley was so wine-high she hit that dougie.

by G0renight August 12, 2018