When a fantasy football player can't bear to watch the game anymore after watching his 70 point lead evaporate and he misses the playoffs (again!), and he starts jamming the buttons on his remote and ends up watching reruns of Mork and Mindy.
Joey Z is so jacked about the Jets, he did a button fumble in the 3rd quarter!
When a old person falls over we call them "Fungle Buttons"
My grandfather is fungle button
a Duey Button is when you lick your finger tips and slap someone on the forehead.
-when someone is pissing you off lick your fingers and slap them on the forehaed and say Duey Button!-
A Button Beater is any electronic device used to stimulate a women's clitoris, to the point where she has an orgasm.
If you have a problem with your daughter always sexting, buy her a Button Beater, so she can get her frustrations out and her focus back where it should be.
The act of laying a penis flat on the owners own body and aiming the tip towards his belly button, then proceeding to use either a massager or water jet head to massage the penis to orgasm, therein delivering a load into the belly button.
C-Bass had a fear of Belly Button play until he learned about Button-Nuttin, now after some practice he loves it :)
Go fuck yourself bitch. Say something likable and I'll like it if I feel like it. You're like a fucking panhandler except NOT treated with contempt by the broader society.
Shit head "Hit that like button!"
Hym "Do I answer to you!? Does Joe Rogan beg for likes? Did you say something that I liked just there? Do you know? Did the people who looked you up leave a like? There. There are your likes motherfucker. It's implicit in the act of asking for likes that you don't have faith in your work. YOU KNOW that you're trying to artificially inflate the perception of your content by pleading with people to hit the like WHEN THEY OTHERWISE WOULDN'T WISEASS. Do I do that? I couldn't people to stop liking it if I tried. Literally. You know you're a bum for that. I'll hit the like button if I feel like hitting the like button. What have you done for me? Not a single thing. I didn't by the way. I didn't hit the like button. I had an open mind about it when the video started and then you started asking for likes and now you better hope you say something profound. Which you won't. Let's see YOUR Netflix anime adaptation ya fuckin chump."
The small audio button in the corner of a video that you press on a Facebook video to hear the sound. For some reason, Facebooks interpretation of you pressing this button translates to “I now want to hear the audio of every video, audio clip, movie, TikTok, and advertisement in my news feed because I watched this one clip”
I can’t hear this one.
“Press the Sound On Button in the corner.”
Oh thanks.
“No problem. Just make sure you turn it off before you keep scrolling because Facebook will play every video”