A low income single dad that lacks personality and is the embodiment of mediocrity. Can be seen shopping at Bi-Lo usually looking for a special on Fish fingers or LA Ice cola. Can often be heard using phrases such as “There’s food at home” or “I always loved your mother mate”
Geoff is such a Bi-Lo Dad he literally only buys home brand just to save 10$
means, “whoever reads this is a little bitch”
joaquín wrote on the board, “puto que lo lea”
Slaping a girl with your sack as fast as you can. Up and down. Side to side.
I was pissed at at my girl friend so, I boing loinged her.
Los City is a non profit organization. created by individuals who work with their community.dedicated to interdependent community’s. In order for people to become more connected with each other’s lives. In a meaningful manner, and to support each other’s interests through social interaction in the present day and beyond. the present moment of light 💡 in a community that has been affected greatly by this change of environment and challenges that we face daily through our light 💡 journey.
I am from the streets of Los City 🌃
I’m a street nickel from Los City
I’m from Los City 🌆
It’s da Los City. Well uh huh!
Los City has been in a lot of great karma recently.
When someone crosses the line, when one person is angry and the second one keeps teasing him so touching the caiman , comunitario used in Spain
yo saco el caimán y tu lo tocas, pero no dices que no te advirtió que no me gusta quando se habla de mí hermana.
The Dynamic wrestling duo featuring Golden Shower and Blue Balls. This unstoppable team is a force to be reckoned with. You better watch your back (and your balls) when you’re in the ring with Los Mexies. Just when you think you can’t take anymore of Blue Balls, Golden Shower rains down her fury all over your face. “Can. You. Taste. It.”
Hey man, I wouldn’t come around here no more. Don’t you know this is Los Mexies territory?
“How do you know”
You can smell it man! It’s everywhere!