A type of strategy game where the death of an NPC is perfectly normal and might even be part of the plan.
In battle simulators, you control when and where your units are deployed, and your AI opponent does the same. Once a unit is deployed, it goes completely automatic - it'll target an enemy, approach that enemy and attack the enemy if it is within attack range. If it survives, it will go on to target a new enemy, and the process repeats. Basically everyone is a mindless killing machine who always fights to the death!
I mean, battle simulators will never provide a good representation of war in real life, unless nations start using robots to fight each other.
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator is a great battle simulator to pick up for PC. And if you want a free battle simulator for mobile, I would really recommend The Battle Cats. In both games, every character moves and attacks differently, and the fights are weird and wacky and very enjoyable.
I old tweaker chick who looks haggard from battling other battle cats out in the streets. Usually slightly neurotic from trauma and drug use.
Wise words said by " recardo i" during an emergency meeting.
hello, i am enjoying the "battle star galactaca"
Battle prime is a free-to-play game that has fair gunplay. A great shooter game kinda but lacks an audience.
Which would you prefer? Call of Duty: Mobile or Battle Prime?
A mystical forest dwelling owl that preys upon cats, lobsters, various species of birds and owls, as well as small children.
There are no recorded sightings of the battle owl as those who lay their eyes upon it are typically vaporized by its battle lazers.
Fart and Burp in one word + Battle
Guy: Yo lets do a furp battle!
Another Guy: bro wtf