A person who cries on March 22nd, laugh uncontrollably while looking at milk and can't understand any lyrics from Fall Out Boy because shit, we don't understand why Patrick is singing like he got peanut butter in his mouth.
This could also go term by a person who only shops in Hot Topic and wear band merch.
An emo could be seen during daily sacrifices of getting MCR back because GODDAMN WE NEED OUR BOYS BACK, PLEASE GERARD I'M BEGGING YOU.
Person 1: hey... What the fuck are you doing?
Emo: *bloody hands and is drawing a pentagram with The Black Parade album in the middle while some random dude is tied up on a pole close to the pentagram crying because he shall be sacrificed for the sake of the reunion* ... nothing
Emo is a genre of music, a type of pop-punk music, but with a softer, more mainstream and guitar-based sound. It is NOT a type of person/style, as more commonly thought. "Emo" people can be classified under "scene", which is basically the same thing.
Friend #1: "Did you hear My Chemical Romance broke up??!!"
Friend #2: "OMG, yes! I was so depressed when I found out... they were my favourite emo band."
Friend #1: "I know... I thought you should know." *frowns* "Have you heard of All-Time-Low? They're a pop-punk band, kinda like My Chemical Romance."
Friend #2: "Yeah, I've heard of them. Thanks ____!"
The term "Emo" is used as counterculture; it is an abbreviation of the word "emotional". Emo it's defining not only an attitude, but also a fashion that are coming from emocore (emo music). Emocore is a combination between hardcore and punk music which was very popular in Washington DC in the late 80's. The emo culture continued to develop between '90 and '00, reaching the height of its popularity today. Emo is also a popular type of fashion now a days.
The society thinks emos are failures; they are not strong enough to hide their emotions.
You don't have to be emo to listen to punk/hardcore/post hardcore music.
Also having black hair (natural or dyed) can't label you as an emo (unless you want to). Emo is used as an insult these days to label people with high emotions and/or people who wears black clothes.
Emo is not as bad as the society sees them. Why would people discriminate or judge emos when they have done nothing wrong to the society but all they have done is having their hair painted/naturally black, listening to rock/punk/hardcore music, or wearing black clothes.
People shouldn't be judging anyone just because of what they do or just because of the music they listen to. Everyone has different tastes and no one should be discriminating others just because of those reasons.
A style defined by people who listen to mellowed-out punk rock. Usually seen with striped arm warmers and oversized band tees, but sometimes blend in and wear ‘normal’ clothing.
Person A: I keep getting bullied for being emo
Person B: Imagine bullying someone for a style of music they like
Usually a girl named Kylie, someone who wears a choker is a dick to everyone but there friends.
Hey that girl looks emo What's her name
Oh That's Kylie
The byproduct of the late wave Baby Boomer's and early Generation X'ers that didn't beat the hell out of their boys, instill values and principals in them, and man them up. They find drama where there doesn't need to be any. Most usually have black, shaggy hair, a 28 inch waist or smaller, are Caucasian or Oriental, and listen to manufactured music that will be forgotten about in less than a year.