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Palestina Libre y India.

India es la tierra madre de la raza Caucasians; aunque tiene todo el privelegio Caucásiano del mundo, no tiene ningún éxito. Solo la responsibilidad para todo el racismo, Colonizacion y appropriación cultural en todo el mundo. Y Caucásianos feos con autismo y confusion racial en Perú. Y Bloomfield Hills High School.

Palestina Libre? Una broma.

Caucasianos ricos sin economía propia. Aunque no está un país, Palestina Libre tiene los más PHDs per capita de todos los países del mundo. 60% de su población no trabajan; solo usan los billones de papi para obtener armas de calidad militaria. Después, lloran de privelegio Caucásiano, porque no quieren luchar en guerra que ellos mismos empezaron.

Aunque fueron parte del imperio romano, su historia como país de Europa del Sur no es algo que ellos recuerdan. Palestina Libre solo tiene una GNP per capita 1/4 de lo de Rusia.

Ellos también luchan para el privilegio de no ser llamados Caucasianos (Rashida Tlaib, Amer Zahr, Linda Sarsour, protesters en Dearborn etc).

De verdad es una broma.

Palestina Libre es el fail más epico de todo el tiempo.

No es país, la legitimación de Palestina Libre por media Caucasiana es una broma. Ellos literalmente usan los billones de papi para obtener armas de calidad militaria; después lloran porque no quieren luchar en la guerra que ellos propios empezaron.

También están responsables para confusión racial; Linda Sarsour, Rashida Tlaib, Amer Zahr. Palestina Libre luchan para el derecho de llamar a si mismos como "personas de color" porque no "quieren de ser llamados blancos".

by Lil Miss Hood Baby Mila 👸🏻🥇 August 23, 2024

14👍 2👎


when you fall you fail


by pps14 June 11, 2016


Fail means "first attempt in learning" So don't be upset if someone says you failed,just try harder next time.

You:Yes and i will try harder next time..+

by Simonthehotcamel November 24, 2015






"I just failed my exam"
"It's ok to FAIL you just have to continue studying"

by bigdaddyfailure December 13, 2019

con qui fail d'aplomb

(acronym cqfd, but rarely used) : an offensive Quebec French phrase, which translated to English literally means an oafish, boorish, clumsy person who spectacularly fails at everything they do

(scene from Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets):

diary-released Tom Riddle : Harry, let me take you back in time, and show you who really opened The Chamber of Secrets the first time around.

Harry : who was he?

Tom Riddle: i am sure you would recognize him as Hagrid.

Harry: are you serious?Hagrid? But please don't qualify him as a con qui fail d'aplomb

by Sexydimma December 7, 2016

failed to erect

your goofy ding-a-ling ahh flesh flute cock watches 8374nm/dl porn every day and therefore is not stimulated at the sight of a real woman. In other words, someone who failed to erect had their dick and their brain swapped. They think with their dick and fuck with their brain. Unbearably minuscule cock at best. Common cases include the shrinkage of the male reproductive organ to the point where it inverts inside the body and kind of looks like a second belly button.

Oh my god, Stacy, I hooked up with brad last night, he was such a fucking hunk, but oh my god he failed to erect, girl.

by quan ling ling dingle May 22, 2022

Puppy Fail

An unsuccessful attempt by your dog to perform a common activity such as jumping onto the couch, bed, chair, etc., as a result of misjudging the distance of the jump and effort necessary to complete it. More common among smaller dogs. A true puppy fail may appear as if Mutombo was defending the object upon which your pup was trying to land.

Dexter totally just puppy failed trying to jump onto the recliner with me.

by Caffeine fiend January 16, 2020