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Pittsfield High School

Not much school spirit except for the fact that we’re way better than the rival schools Wahconah and Taconic. Not the brightest we have heated debates on if Helen Keller was actually deaf and blind. Nothing to do in pitty we all just smoke weed and play cod. They throw all the special needs kids into the basement. The teachers are great though and give a shit about the kids.

Football- Walk in groups, loose every game though. Most are joining the military after high school.

Theatre- shows are top tier….a lot of drama though. they all got crushes on each other and all hate each other

Dungeons And Dragons Club- Incels

Baseball- All weirdly obsessed with Adam Sandler

Chess Club- We have a chess club????

don’t go to Pittsfield High School the kids piss in buckets

by hotpeopleliketaylorswift April 20, 2022

North Creek High School

16-14. They fucking suck

Oh do you hear all that noise coming from Pop Keeney? Must be North Creek High School getting whooped cause they’re dogshit at football.

by WoodyStayWinning October 13, 2021

parkway central high school

Parkway Central has to be one of the most scandalous schools in the entire state of Missouri. Majority of the white kids are racist and will smile in your face and then call you a “jungle monkey nigger bitch” behind your back so stay safe. Parkway Central is also known for the weirdo hoes that let’s their dog eat their disgusting cooter on camera as well as people who think it’s a good idea to fuck one another’s boyfriend. Let’s not forget to mention how some of the most disgusting, hateful white bitches in American go to parkway. The white boys there are also very gay on the dl and the football team is the worst in the state. Lastly the niggas there are also delusional asf and 100% bitch made.

Shout to some of the pretty girls tho!!

The moral of the story is Parkway Central is ass.


“what school you go to?”
“parkway central high school”
*awkward silence*

by sincerelytherealest<3 November 23, 2021


A female casino player with a huge bankroll that plays the high limit tables.

Becky’s mom is loaded! just the other night she blew $12K over at money-casino.com on the blackjack table. She’s a high-rolleress!

by benine October 16, 2007

High Five Partners

Two people in a relationship.

Chris and Jordan are High Five Partners

by A formless blob July 19, 2019

high-effort shitpost

A term commonly used by redditors, using two contrasting and confusing words to describe shitpost that is not low-quality.

Nice high-effort shitpost gone there.

by Jovito August 18, 2024

West Virginia high five

West Virginia High five”: the act of slapping your sibling on the buttocks with your hand. Different from a “pat” on the rear; resembles a cowboy slapping a horse on the rear as he sends it out to pasture.

Tommy was in the habit of giving and receiving West Virginia high fives with his sister Rebecca.

by Jus in case November 17, 2023