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Donald Trump

a true racist person who hate mexican and black

lacey: did you see donald trump speak yesterday
sarah: we can put him on urban dictionary for that shit

by dickhead ass bitch assholw September 27, 2015

401๐Ÿ‘ 4217๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donald Trump

A living asshole the biggest bitch alive has no friends bought his wife, his hair is literally a nest, he thinks building a wall will make America great again when really we will just triple our already tripling debt

1:Hay did you see what that asshole said .
2:Donald trump?
asshole racist cunt pussy lonely gay

by I hate Donald trump January 28, 2016

259๐Ÿ‘ 2685๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donald Trump

Something that gives the passing appearance of wealth, but is just a cheap tool.

Gold sharpies are like Donald Trump.

by Ty f. February 29, 2016

134๐Ÿ‘ 1374๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the epitome of sexism, racism and stupidity that run rampant in our country.

Donald Trump if vote into Presidency will be enough to cause a mass suicide among those with brain cells.

by Patricia79 August 23, 2015

405๐Ÿ‘ 4264๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donald Trump

A company based in Russia that produces didos and other phallic sex toys. Recently launched in the U.S.

X- Did you see the Donald Trump XL? It comes in white beige and orange!
Y- Oh really? I'm ordering an orange one online

by berrymetal December 13, 2016

76๐Ÿ‘ 775๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donald Trump

Dicksucking cocklicker shrimphead fatass nippleeater asslicker motherfucker benchod madarchod pussysucker weedsmoker

dat guy lookin like demn donald trump

by Wikipedo loves ass May 6, 2016

80๐Ÿ‘ 816๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donald trump

Proof that arseholes can walk and talk

Hey look is a racist arsehole oh sorry it's Donald trump

by Why'd piecing February 4, 2016

80๐Ÿ‘ 801๐Ÿ‘Ž