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Selective Moral Jerk

Someone who wouldn't steal a pencil from work but chops up anyone who doesn't fit his idea of a moral person. Meanwhile he breaks as many moral conduct rules as the next guy only in his mind those don't matter. Someone who will judge you harshly for a slight indiscretion and will jump to conclusions from incomplete evidence.

Jo Jo - "Man Joe is a dick. He accused me of cheating on an exam because he heard it from Dave who is a chronic liar. Meanwhile Joe is eyeballing Freddie's wife when he's not around."

Terry - " Yeah. Joe is a selective moral jerk. I hope Freddie punches him in the mouth."

by peter gazinya October 3, 2010

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pee jerk reaction

when in the middle of urinating a man has a myoclinic type jerk causing a emergency clean up

i was at thanksgiving at my girlfriends and had a pee jerk reaction took me 5 mins to clean up

by smokey chantrel January 15, 2010

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Google Circle Jerk

Self-congratulatory discussions on Google+ where one's reputation as a social media expert is praised by countless wannabes.

Chris Brogan's stream update was quite the Google Circle Jerk last night.

by JDailey July 24, 2011

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Discord circle jerk

(made by someone) a Discord server where a group of friends (of that someone) and mutuals, who are dependent on eachothers' company and entertainment, congregate in the same channel of that server, especially after a long day of mental/social labor (school/work).

A$AP Rocky: This is the best Discord circlejerk I've ever been in. Y'all whilin'?

Joe Biden: Yes, we are certainly, wildin' out and you can invite your friends to join our Discord circle jerk!

by GookSoup December 11, 2017

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Virtual Circle Jerk

Virtual Circle Jerk or V.C.J. for short, is experienced when individuals keep replying all to an email with multiple recipients.

To All Employees,

Please welcome Mike, a new addition to the sales team. Mike has rejoined our team as an Account Executive.


Paul: "Welcome home Mike."
Andy: "Welcome back Mike!"
Greg: "Mike, Call me Buddy."
Harry: "Wow! Welcome back, Mike! Let's chat."
James: "Glad you are back Mike."
Hank: "Hey Mike, this is aaaawesome!"
Jared: "Wow that was quick, Mike!"
Todd: "Mike, Welcome back!"
Dave: "Execellent! Welcome back Mike!"

Brian to the rest of ops: "Quite the Virtual Circle Jerk, I wonder if they'll realize Mike isn't on this email."

by Rural.Juror September 5, 2017

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leer jerk

Someone that strokes their penis.

You are a fucking leer jerk.

by Motes October 11, 2005

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The Player's Jerk

When a group of guys whack off at the same time to some kind of porno.

shit, jamaal you missed the players jerk last night. It was off da hook!

by Phat Pat October 13, 2003

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