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Cardiff high

A school in Cardiff NSW where the chads (and fucktards) go

Whoah, Zye and Eric must go to cardiff high #smasheric

by ericisasherslonglostfather October 6, 2023

flighter’s high

the sudden urge to constantly travel

Caroline had a flighter’s high after her first time traveling.

by kitttyycattt May 3, 2022

Arse at high tide

Suffering from diarrhea.

"Oh, no breakfast for me thanks. I've had my arse at high tide for the past two days and I'm afraid to fart in case I blow out a tsunami!"

by Gruntie Stevie October 25, 2020

3 high

When you’re in your own head thinking super deep thoughts while being smacked. You’re just thinking on another level now when you’re this high.

*You staring off into space*
Friend: Aye bruh you good?
You: My fault g, I’m 3 high right now.

by Meeks Mill January 19, 2022

3 High

When you’re in your own head having super deep thoughts while high. You’re just on another level right now when you’re this high.

*You and the gang are chilling post Cyph sesh. With jokes going back and forth, you notice your friend Dave isn't talking. He's just staring into the distance.*

Lee: Yo bro, why is Dave not talking
Vin: I don't know bro, he is GONE
Meek: Dave is beyond zooted, he's 3high right now
Lee: What you mean?
Meek: The Za hit him beyond comprehension. He's beyond too high right now. Homie is 3 high...

*Inside Dave's mind is an elaborate concoction of hypothetical matrixial innovations. Deep thoughts are connected to various realities, the should've-could'ves, and what the future may hold if certain actions are implemented. The thoughts of how every action has led to this very moment, the people he's met, the women he has bonded with, the coworkers and bosses he has had and where he is destined to be in this life - based on every decision that he has made...*

Vin:*tapping Dave's shoulder* Yo Dave, you good bro?

*Dave snaps out of his trance* Yeah dawg, I'm chillin

by Meeks Mill August 11, 2023

Live Oak Jr High Colorguard

A Group where You Sign up your daughter and the greedy coaches who are fat and have hooked noses take a shit ton of your money so your daughter along with other little shits can swing a flag around on a football field for 5 minutes a game and you don't get to see them that much and pay five thousand dollars just for the football season so the fatass coaches can eat food and drink whiskey then they also make your daughter into free child labor making them go to a fundraiser to buy shit like a trailer and a floor then they make you pay another five grand just to do winter guard where you have to go all around Louisiana and Mississippi to watch them throw flags around which requires no skill at all while they abuse your daughter by yelling at them at practice

Julie regretted using her hard-earned money to sign up her daughter for the Live Oak Jr High Colorguard, where greedy, overweight coaches with hooked noses took a massive chunk of her cash so her daughter could swing flags around for just five minutes per game, only to then demand more of Julie's money for winter guard, turning her daughter into free child labor at fundraisers, all while the coaches indulged in food and whiskey.

by SS Nate1488 December 29, 2025

St. John Paul II High School

Weird high school, sure you may meets some cool friends. However everyone is fake in a way, everyone has a story to tell. Whether it’s there own or someone else’s. The teachers are strange but like the students, some are chills. You’ll find your group here, just watch out for the creeps and weirdos. Yes there are drugs and alcohol here, but isn’t there that in regular high school too. Possible racism and sexism jokes but you move on. If you come here, enjoy your own life with your own people, don’t let anything bring you down.

I went to St. John Paul II High School, four years of hell, but in the end it was worth it… somewhat.

by Bobberdummy September 8, 2021