Molly(Transgender) is usually used to describe a girl who has gotten surgery to change her body parts but remained a girl there for when you think you're getting in bed with a woman but then she takes our clothes off she has you running out the door because you had a giant dick.
Boy: You wanna go upstairs?
Girl: Maybe we should wait till you see whats downstairs.
Boy: I guess that's why her name was Molly!
Some ugly bitch fat nigga who treats her friends badly, is totally fake, and likes to get felt up by her (now gay) boyfriend. She sells her body for money like peaches. She smells like shit, and she wishes one day she’ll be thin and good looking like her friends. She usually gets kicked off of accounts for being a bitch. Hoe.
Me: “Ew. Who’s that stinky whore in the hall over there?”
My best friend: “Ugh. That’s Molly. She smells like shit.”
Molly Is An Amazing Young Woman who LOVES To Make people happy. she is shy but one of the easiest people to make friends with. she is awesome!
really fucking bad at naming cars jfc
molly wants to name the car after a tank from rvb and it’s the WORST NAME LIKE DAMN
Molly unfucks what mdma fucks.
Man I'm feeling bad, I need to switch to molly.
Molly is a fine apple #lenger #finn+molly #mollysupremacy
person 1- "Wow who is that sexy person"
person 2- "i think thats a molly!!"
Molly is a very kind and supporting friend but that can change very fast. You don't want to mess with her or even disagree with her because she will argue even if she's wrong. She can get pissed easily so watch out.
Molly is so annoying. I was right but she kept arguing.