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is a big, muscular and creative men. He loves to play with woman and don’t want a relationship. The best point on Bosse is that you can talk in every moment with him and he is the best person you can talk to because he understands and answer your questions.

If you ever get a Bosse don’t let him go or try to not let him go.

Bosse is a motherfucker

by Thenuttygirl November 22, 2021

Anthony Boss

the gayest guy you'll ever meet

Anthony Boss is my friend

by malakai duong is here October 18, 2018

stelica boss

stelica boss is a 1.7k pr romanian Fortnite player who plays on console.He often wants to play with players with over 1k pr even though he can't even place a launch pad. That's why we often mock him for this act.

ia ma , stelica boss nu poate sa puna un pad hahahahahha

by salamdelamagazin August 8, 2021

Big Boss Double

Smashing Two Pieces of Strange in the same day.

I'm about to pull off this Big Boss Double tonight.

by BDPINC November 20, 2022

Keare aka. Der Boss

He is very wise and loves feets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG,dieser weiße Keare aka. Der Boss

by kvt January 2, 2017

Mech Bosses (Mechanical Bosses)

The name for the trio of bosses (The Twins, Skeletron Prime, and The Destroyer) in the game terraria. Usually fought in hardmode. (After Wall of Flesh is defeated)

You: "I just entered hardmode, who do I fight?"
Friend: "The Mech Bosses (Mechanical Bosses). I suggest fighting The Twins first."
You: "Thanks."

by cullybug September 5, 2023

Boss Bunny

(noun) derogatory term for a lazy or inept Boss Bitch

A woman who looks like a Boss Bitch (BB) but has no intention of maintaining her business. A Boss Bunny (bb) relies on perception to curate the excitement needed for an initial seed round. Funds are then diverted into luxury living instead of business needs

At the beginning, a (bb) and a (BB) look similar. However, unwilling to invest the time and hard work a business needa, a (bb) is unable to maintain her business. She uses gaslighting to maintain the charade until an opportunity allows her to exit.

During decline, their partners may seek removal. This is expensive and is called the "Golden Exit" technique. Having met no initial promises, the (bb) will seek a payout of her unearned equity. Like a Viceroy butterfly mimicking a Monarch, the (bb) relies on her similarities to a (BB). Fearing mainstream "cancel culture," most will quietly pay to make the Bunny leave.

(bb) usually associate with (BB) citing "sisterhood" or "toppling the patriarchy." A reliable identification method is "body count." Both Serial Daters and Bunnies have long lists of abandoned relationships.

Natural habitats include coffee shops or luxury co-working. These provide a backdrop for edgy cleavage or inspirational IG posts.

Romantic partners of (bb) will be dragged between failing business endeavors. Since subsidization is integral to the (bb) lifestyle they seek high earners and credit scores.

Rupert Murdoch: Have you invested in Theranos? Elizabeth Holmes looks like she's the real deal!
Warren Buffett: No, she's a Boss Bunny who is giving board seats to big names over industry experts. This is clearly a farce.

*based on true events

Brayden: Did you see Ashleigh's new startup on IG? She's been at my coffee shop every day this week working on her new laptop.
Jayden: She's a Boss Bunny... Remember when she was in the pyramid scheme three months ago, or that reverse pyramid scheme six months ago, or when she was selling cosmetics last year?

by SpecsAndDecks January 19, 2022