Whiskers is filthy. I'm going to put the cat in the bath.
When a Chinese man ejaculates on you in the shower then proceeds to lick your entire body, spreading the semen.
"Hey Chin do you want to ride some bikes?" "No Mike, I have to give my girlfriend a Chinese bathing."
Another term for "Dutch oven". When you fart under a blanket and pull the blanket over your friends head.
First coined by Michael Meyers, DVM, Columbia, MO.
He Turkish hot bath'd and I broke up with him.
It's a suggestion not too unlike to "be on your best behavior." In this instance it is a recommendation to keep it clean and not to be vulgar, well too vulgar.
Grandma: "Now listen children. I need you to be on your bath behavior in church today. No one is to spit or call the priest a child-molesting pedo again!"
Louie: "Can I at least spit in the holy water, Grandma?"
Grandma: "If I don't see it happen, then it didn't happen."
To blow raspberries into a girls wet vagina
If you don't give your girl a 'fishy bubble bath' your an absolute joke
A reference to a popular anecdote/inside joke in the homestuck fandom, where a cosplayer took a bath in sharpie ink and alcohol to dye their skin grey.
Vriska cosplayer: ‘How are we going to get our skin grey?’
Terezi cosplayer: ‘What about a sharpie bath?’
Laughter ensues.