Arms covered in random doodle tattoos. Common among women in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
That woman we just passed on the street has a ton of tattoos on her arms and shoulders. Yes, she has Bushwick arms.
Floppy, untoned upper arms that keep waving even after the person stops waving.
Jenna looks great after loosing weight, except for her 'Flag-Arms, that is.
a large terd, also known as a piece of poop.
Just leave a big baby arm across the desk. then finger paint. "welcome to the best seat in the house. Bitch"
A term used during welding of pipe and one welder doesn’t weld to the 6 o’clock position
Bennett “ look at that weld Argyle , Steven has short armed me again ffs “
Used to define the hell bent spawn Ichigo (bleach protagonist) sprouts from his arm/shoulder when it is cut off or damaged when he is not in control of his inner hollow.
In episode 124, and 233.
Zangetsu attacks Ichigo when his Zanpakto is released from his soul, who usually keeps the hollow from taking over, Ichigo looses control, Zangestu injures Ichigo's arm, and Ichigo's Arm-mouth attempts to devour Zangetsu.
When you're laying bed with someone all intertwined and one of you has weird arm. Lying on your arm in an uncomfortable position.
Babe I've got to roll over on my other side I've got weird arm.
When you raise your arms and they're flabby
Me: Hey mom, can you get me a bowl
Mom: *raises arms*
Me: Nice bingo arms