Source Code

Big Back

A big back refers to someone's back area and there thiccccc ass

Yo ur girls got a big back u know I would clap that

by Demane March 30, 2020

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back with a crack

someone so skinny their ass is nothin' stickin' out past their butt...

shoot, girl, you gotta eat somethin' you got nothin' but a back with a crack!

by deja2entendu May 4, 2006

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b backs

Blinking hazard (emergency) lights on vehicles.

When doubled parked "I should not get a ticket because I have my b backs on" When the b backs are on that means I will be right back.

by dtee July 11, 2008

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Back biscuits

when the rolls on the back are to unconformed to make backtits.They are known as Back Biscuits.

When the back tit has no cottage cheese look more like a doublewide treestump on her back for no reason dem sums some big ol Back biscuits right der.

by collard greens May 20, 2011

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Crackle Back

When you jiz on a girls back, she rubs it in and lets it dry, then arches her back making the jiz "crackle"

"I jizzed all over this girls back and she rubbed it in like a porn star! When she went to get up I heard the dried spooey crackle across her back like a bunch of fire works! What a Crackle Back!

by BD5* February 3, 2012

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Mesh Back

Backwoods. Trailer trash. Indicative of all that is springer-esque. Examples include drinking Milwaukee's Best and wearing a wife beater while working on a '76 Camaro in one's front yard.

"I can't believe Steve decorated his apartment with neon beer signs and playboy centerfolds. He even put up a 2004 NASCAR calendar. That's so mesh back."

by fluxrad December 3, 2003

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back breath

the expel of intestinal gases released via the anus.

wow, your back breath is horrible, what in the hell did you eat? your momma's V?

by duskins February 18, 2008

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