Source Code

Killed the Yards

When you go out doing graffiti and you write all over the yards. (Yards as in back of buildings or on the train tracks were the back of the building are.)

Alec: "Damn dude we killed the yards yesterday."

Mark: "I know man Lets go to a different yard tomorrow"

by AlecD.C. May 21, 2010

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Kill the thermostat

Taking a burn over the top.

Jase: Yeah? Well I fucked your mom last night!
Pete: Bro, my mom's dead...
Jase: And I killed her
Mike: Way to kill the thermostat, Jase...

by Mike 0 January 21, 2008

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When a game run perfectly, but suddenly lags for a split second, followed by death, in which could have been avoided if not for said lag

I only died because of kill-lag.

Fucking kill-lag.

by Lars Espen January 16, 2012

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killed a moose

To, in some way, smoke marijuana. Usually in the form of a joint.

1. My friends and i wanted to get high so we killed a moose.

by startedmoose May 9, 2007

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killing floor

Reference in certain blues and rock songs. Exact meaning unknown. Now meant to refer to school playgrounds where social heirarchies and roles are exercised and determined. May also refer to urban schools where firearms and violence are common.

You better watch your six out on the killing floor, homes.

by Harry Palms May 2, 2004

16๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž

kill bill

Wack ass movie with mad violence and uma thurman (the white chick) cops all these yakuzas down.

Yo, I swear if we get jumped by 20 ima kill bill.

by Haze October 29, 2003

9๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

kill bill

some good ass head you get from a female

Man....that chick gave me some kill bill last night.

by King3Sixty April 18, 2007

4๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž